Life in a science fiction bubble is pretty exciting and adventurous. The thought had never come to me that I could live like those in the films and movies.
Watching all those so-called “mystical” and “mythical” beings such as the dragons, unicorns, pegasuses and phoenixes had always given me the pleasure of getting my blood rushed up to the top level that I could never explain.
Growing up at my parents’ house was tough due to the lack of joy. The scorching heat led me to call my favourite friend, the wind. Watching how the trees danced and feeling like the dragons moved through and among the trees made me think, years later, if I was imagining them. Not in those days though.
I enjoyed every moment of communing with the elements of fire, wind, earth and water. Of course, among these nature elements and the mystical or mythical beings, there were the tiny friends of mine, the faeries of the elemental kingdom.
They provided me with comfort, joy and peace of mind. I slept among the leaves under the tree without any concerns if I would be swallowed up by a python roaming around the land.
Mysteries, fantasy, science fiction and action movies are my favourites.
When the film Avatar came out, I watched and cried like a baby without any notion why I shed those tears with such a heavy heart.
Now, that I am in this fascinating reality while I am still in this human body gives me another sense of blood rushing through my veins with ticklish in my heart. So, I laugh and cry at the same time or either the former or the latter.

When I watched Matrix and later Lucy many years ago, I felt it deep in my superconscious mind. I was intrigued and wanted to create more codes for my books, or so I thought. At that time, the codes to me was something like in the Da Vinci Code book.
I have always enjoyed cracking any codes.
Being here on Earth was another code I was so enthusiastic about. In 2011 and 2012, I read the Catholic bible cover-to-cover a couple of times to crack more hidden mysteries. Reading the big book opened up many of my dormant memory banks. I read some more to get another clue.
I questioned myself why the angry and jealous God with violent and judgemental church people instead of loving and compassionate. I usually get an answer, even after some time. For that question, I heard, “Control and power”. The cracked code was, “The book was rewritten.”
Of course, for most of the people out there, this could be stamped as “crazy” for hearing the answer and that I would be sent to a mental institution and be called “retarded”. (Cancel, clear, delete these please.)
That is because of the “control and power” by the institutions around us, including our own beloved people because they have been fed by those whom they trust. If only they realise that they are just the little fishes being hooked for bigger fishes. How can I open their eyes when they prefer to be blinded by others?
Fear has been injected in every seed that comes in on this beautiful planet.
First of all, all seeds receive this virus called FEAR through the parents who got it from their parents who got it from their ancestors.
Next is from the people around us. Every one of these humans (and animals) is a carrier of the distorted genes within their DNA strand templates.
The other one that no one has even thought before is through the planetary grid reversal codes. How do I know this? I do and so does everyone (or you) if only they (or you) allow the truth to come in.
No, this is not about that 3D or 4D style of separating between the good and bad. These all are just experiences and experiments by everyone. We learn, observe and share without absorbing the unkindness.
These questions get us, the Guardians of the Codes, all the time.

How can I show my fellow humans that we are more than what we are told?
How can I share our findings to them without challenging their beliefs of believing that everything else is crazy but not their mental health issues?
How can I convince them that the sickness and diseases that they think are theirs can be removed by themselves?
How can I tell them that everything that they have been told to make them fearful of something or someone is just a trap?
If only they start believing in themselves that they have a bigger mission here than living according to the norms and values regulated by the institutions, their children and the next generations will stop inheriting the karmic traumas from the ancestors.
Maybe my current experience is a laughable thing to the contemporary scientists or “common sense” people with the contemporary old-fashioned educations. If only they know that this current lifetime, although the apex for many beings, is the past, doesn’t their mind get expanded?
It doesn’t matter to me of their perception and opinions about my fascinating lifestyle as long as I enjoy living my own adventurous life, riding with my own multi-headed dragons, into the dungeon, releasing children, men and women from being sacrificed for their blood, organs and virginity. (Oh yes, these are some of the reality movies that are playing out on this Earth ignored by most of its inhabitants.)
Knowing the ins and outs of all this holographic “reality” is a huge advantage for each of my GOTC family.

We are here as equals. Assisting our cosmic family towards Home is one of our priorities because many have been imprisoned here in countless of lifetimes. Yes, there is a proof about “reincarnation” in the bible although in a subtle way when the Jews’ priests and Levites asked John the baptist if he was Elijah or the Prophet.
I hope many will realise and remember their true essence with more gifts than what the promises of a good life have been offered to them.
No matter what lifestyle I am living in now, I gain more joy and freedom by assisting more of my cosmic family.
I hope you get to enjoy this part of being here as the beautiful multidimensional being putting on this cloth with flesh and blood that’s called human. Oh yes, that’s another code in the bible I cracked. Exciting, isn’t it?
Sending you so much love,

P.S. If you are intrigued by my science fiction reality living, come join us this 12.12.2022 for The Q-Emergence 2023. Click here to find out more.
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