(JG’s note: I received this love letter from Xenia on 23 November 2022. Tears of joy and happiness as I felt her deep longing of home that was now filled with abundance of love. Xenia framed her letter with two different colours of roses and leaves at the top left corner and below right corner. It’s so beautiful. Thank you.)
I love you deeply dear J G
I could say that this is one chapter, one tiny extract from The Book of Love I could dedicate to express my deep gratitude and endless love to Jenn George.
When I heard your name for the first time, Jenn, I felt curious, that already means a lot to me. Then I heard it again and mentioned deep interest inside and started asking questions about you. When you dropped an invitation to attend one of the GOTC’s group sessions I felt intrigued, but I couldn’t make it then.
Finally, I was brought to your website, where, with my heart tingling, I shed oceans of tears; because I realized that eventually I arrived to my Destination. I landed after years of searching and experimenting, following various teachers and teachings, dedicating myself to different practices that still kept me empty or not full enough. So, I sent you an email and got a full-hearted response and an invitation to come back Home!
And this is not only about finding another much stronger teacher and spiritual leader! This is about You giving me an opportunity to open my inner eyes and heart and making me finally believe in the Teacher Inside Me, my True Divine Self; to see my Mission, trust and follow it bravely without fear to be misunderstood or judged.
As long as I remember myself I was surrounded and loved by many, but I never felt to belong to any family, group of people, society. I strongly believed that I was a lone wolf in the journey of self-discovery and I had accepted that, even though I felt sad and stuck on the way.
Now, since I met You, Jenn, my Divine Mother (as I felt it from the first sight), I got an opportunity to learn from you, to discover my gifts, to open up as one thousand-leaf lotus flower. Moreover, I found this huge Family and the feeling of belonging not only to the certain group of beautiful, amazing people but also to myself. I do belong to My True Divine Self now.
Thanks to You, your unconditional love and kindness, your profound and non-judgemental listening, your divine guidance, I learnt to trust fearlessly to move forward and feel the support from the Source!
I admit that the path of self-growth and self-development is not always an easy one. It really hurts sometimes to discover some “unpleasant” truth about myself and my actions. But you teach us to be kind to ourselves, to be patient and compassionate first with ourselves and it helps to embrace everything about me and accept Me as I am; because ultimately we see that there is no dark and light. We are here to experience both on physical, mental, emotional and soul levels, heal whatever needs to be healed and move on to serve the others for the
good of all.
There is no human language to express how much I appreciate You, Jenn, and The work you do for us, for Humanity and for every living Being in this Universe and beyond. I am so fortunate to have met You and become a humble member of your Family.
There is so much to discover, to cure and bring light to and I am ready, eager and excited to continue this wonderful, magical journey by your side.
Love You eternally,
your Seraphim daughter

Gratitude Note to Xenia from Jenn
Xenia Gordeeva contacted me on 29 August and thereafter, joined GOTC in September 2022 by taking three sessions with me.
From the time we started working together, I knew Xenia was meant to stay where she is now. I was also very excited with the potential of her visiting the pyramids in and around Mexico.
Her search for places to fulfil her soul mission and life purpose stopped when an ancient lady, La Abuela (The Grandmother, who is Xenia’s other self in other lifetime), told her of her mission in Mexico that was to be resumed and completed.
Of course, Xenia has had many lifetimes as an Elder on Earth and owns many gifts and abilities concerning humans, animals, nature and the Earth.
Her first “treatment” with me was to get all the “attachments” in and around her head which had caused her huge headaches for some time. One of the other treatments was about her family lineages. We repaired the DNA strands for her whole ancestors and descendants of the past, present and future timelines.
Women suppression and oppression have been heavy to many women here on Earth. Therefore, it is crucial that we heal this part of the wound. And this is where Xenia comes in.
She is passionate about educating both male and female in the science and development of a female’s body where she studied in Andromeda Constellation, Hadar or Beta Centauri and one of the star systems in Pleiades.
Xenia, like other GOTC Initiates, is one of the high level warriors in many star systems, planets and dimensions as well as on Earth.
She is our Arcturian scientist of advanced technologies, not only as a medical engineer but also a designer and an architect of pyramids in many planets and civilizations.
Xenia’s pure love in our beautiful Mother Earth and Earth’s inhabitants has also to do with her being a Seraphim Angel.
Her knowledge of plants and natural remedies originated from a couple of planets in Lyra Constellation, Andromeda Constellation, Sirius C and Pleiades. Crystals and gems are also part of the healing modalities she provides for her clients infused by the codes through her beautiful angelic voice.
Working with Xenia is a joy. She is passionate about her work and in everything she does. She is always among the first ones to contribute in our huge missions. She is also the first to offer her home to one of our newest family should the matter arise.
If you feel called to get to know Xenia, come join us or contact Xenia directly to get her best treatment to you. I assure you of a complete satisfaction with her loving dedication and commitment to assist you in your own growth and soul evolution.
Here’s more information about her Menstrual Awareness Workshop.
Click here to read more about Xenia as a GOTC Initiate.
Beloved Xenia,
Thank you for such touching love letter. I love you so much and know that you are always home.
With all my love,

P.S. Click here to learn more about how you can also regain your gifts and heal yourselves.
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