It is time to listen to the inner voice that is telling you to look beyond. It is time to solve all those dilemmas you have been having. It is time to reorganise your finances, relationships, jobs, home, business and your own self. It is also time to believe in your intuition that keep nudging you to start reclaiming your voice now. It is time to polish your gifts and to serve your fellow human families, animals, nature and the planet.
I am here to help you to awaken your codes that you have within you, help you to figure out your hidden talents, harmonising all the suppressed, oppressed and repressed emotions, removing any “burdens” (such as devices) in your head, body and morphogenetic fields. They could be metallic, transparent or just false light and nasty too, especially those who walk in to your space, parasitising you, without your permission and consent.
You may want to offer your services to others and want to find out what your gifts are from your multidimensional and Earth timelines.
When you are highly intuitive, you may need to polish this gift so that you can use it to help yourself/selves and others.
I shall guide you to be the most compassionate person to your clients and students. We serve everyone without judging, comparing or taking anybody’s sides. Everyone deserves to return to their heart to feel love. And that is what we do.
Depending on your frequency, you may be invited to join the GOTC Trainees to our Arcturian training center. We only connect to/with the highest and purest frequencies.

If you want to know what others say, please click this link to find out more.
Are you ready? Let’s go.
Your intentions (for our session):
- đź’Ž Desires & dreams
- đź’Ž Concerns
- đź’Ž Inspiration(s) and motivation(s)
Your concerns that need guidance and clearing:
- Being stuck in a place or stagnant and unable to move forward
- Being stuck in poverty patterns and unable to prosper
- Having physical ailments and symptoms
- Feeling the emotional oppressions, repressions and suppressions
- Having mental destructed thought forms
- Being in constant hatred, resentment, jealousy, comparison, competition, guilt, shame, ill-feeling at someone else, self-sabotage, self-abandonment, vengeful, etc
- And more…
Specific guidance and support:
- Healing of specific illnesses/diseases in this current lifetime
- Healing multidimensional traumas that have passed down to the current life
- Healing ancestral traumas
- Releasing the recurring negative life patterns
- Bringing loved ones who have passed away to move forward
- Deactivating false activations and reactivating the highest and purest ones (such as kundalini, DNA strands, energy centres, etc.)
- And more…
During the session:
- You do the talking and share; I do the listening, planning and strategising
- When you are done sharing, we shall start with the processes of clearing all the messes and debris
- I shall guide you to learn to answer your own questions, concerns and be your own expert of your hidden talents
- I provide the necessary tools for you to grow, learn and master your own abilities
- I support you on your journey of regaining your confidence
- I take you on special excursions to remember who and what you are
- And more…

Our utmost expertise as Multidimensional Scientists:
- Opening and closing timelines according to the individual’s frequencies
- Healing multidimensional selves
- Healing inner child self/selves
- Retrieving and healing soul fractals and fragments selves each layer of traumas at a time
- Retrieving and healing ancestors’ and descendants’ lineages from past, present, future and parallel lifetimes
- Repairing, restoring, realigning and recalibrating physical, emotional and mental bodies
- Repairing, restoring, realigning and recalibrating DNA strands template(s)
- Repairing, restoring, realigning, recalibrating and regaining multidimensional gifts
- Review ancient soul agreements with others and selves for closure and reorientation
- Sharing and activating knowledge, wisdom, techniques and skills
- And many others, depending on the needs and requirements per your highest self
Techniques we use:
- Access to your soul libraries (akashic records)
- Symbol, sound and light codes (writing scripts and codes, speaking/singing in tongues)
- Frequencies of the highest and purest brought in through our GOTC electromagnetic line
- Holographic screens for screening and scanning
- Arcturian advanced technologies designed by Jenn’s multiversal selves
- Built-in compassion, kindness and pure love technologies stored in our hearts
- Crystalline healing pool for further emotional treatment
- Majestic Beings of God Source’s helpers
- Celestial Angelic healing
- And more…
The terms and conditions for 1:1 Sessions with Jenn:
This is important. We ask you to please honour and respect our loving intention to help you and everyone else. Thank you.
- Upon receiving your payment with details, I’ll schedule you in my planner according to availabilities
- Payment for this service in non-refundable
- Once you have paid, you are in our bubble already, supported and protected so any cancellation or refund is not accepted but you can give the session to someone else as a gift
- No discount is allowed for this service (you don’t want to discount your own reclaimed gifts)
- A gift or gifts may be included depending on the offer for the period
I understand that some of you did not have the investment money for our services but would love to work with me (Jenn). So, I have added the 1-hour-only-session. Please select one of the four available options below. I see you soon.
(Please note that all these services mentioned here are separate from any of the services offered on this website.)
Disclaimer: All services offered here are meant to assist you in your soul evolution. It is not meant to replace the physical medical and necessities in regards to your physical health. The technology used is known to your greater selves, the advanced beings in other dimensions and universes, and may not be recognised by the 3D human beings (yet). Therefore, applying discernments is necessary if you encounter blockages during the process of your soul evolution.

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