May the flames grow brighter and brighter within us.
May the love shine within and around us.
May each door open the path of abundant joy.
May peace and harmony surround you.
Let us ALL start LIVING by DESIGN in 5D (& beyond) and not by default.
Everything is filled with & encoded in LoVe (9).

Join us for a hug and feel all the love

Let’s build a loving and compassionate space together

Welcome to the Guardians of the Codes’ (GOTC) website, our little home sweet home where we gather as a GOTC family.


💎 I know many of you wonder what GOTC is all about. So, I do my best to answer some of them here.

🤔 What and who are the Guardians of the Codes?

🙃 These are the humans like you and me. We came to this Earth with gifts, talents and abilities which are the codes. Each one of us has specific codes. You have yours and I have mine. None of us have similar codes, even if you are one of the twins, triplets or quadruplets. These gifts, talents and abilities are yours and yours alone unless if you share them with others through your skills, knowledge, wisdom and insights. But it is still different. Nobody can be as gifted as you are in whatever you are good at and you won’t be as gifted as others in whatever areas they are great at because each one is different, unique and special. These are your codes. Hence, you are a guardian of your own codes. They are their guardians of their own codes. And I am the representative of the Guardians of the Codes. 😉

🤔 What are the gifts, talents and abilities or the codes?

🙃 It could be anything that no one has the same capabilities and talents. Like playing a piano without learning from a teacher, speaking in front of people without the pre-written topics on the paper, singing with very high or very low notes, writing books and stories in a week or a few days, painting inside a vase with just a single brush, building a home with just a pair of your bare hands, cooking without using a recipe, speaking multiple languages, able to see the future, able to feel someone’s emotions, able to walk on a string and so much more. As for the GOTC family, we have various kind of gifts, talents and abilities. Most of us work on personal healing to regain more of our gifts and to bring out the codes within us to share with others through service offerings or through the heart connection.

🤔 How to know what the codes within us are?

🙃 By connecting your mind and your heart together in a coherent way. When you focus on the heart seed, you’ll get an intuitive guidance or voice or feeling. The intuition is usually subtle, smooth, just one word, a sensation or colours. That is like opening a wrapped gift-box. You need to unwrap to uncover what’s inside the box. Sometimes, it’s easy and there are times, it’s not easy, like opening a wardrobe that are in pieces and you still need to build it in order to use it.

🤔 I love crystals and I love the shamanic rituals. What can you tell me about this?

🙃 That’s because you have lifetimes working with OR against crystals. You had been a student, a teacher of some teachings. You could also be a shaman, an elder or a “wolf” yourself in other part of the world in a different time/year.

🤔 I feel I am a Pleiadean. Am I right?

🙃 Yes, you are right. You have experienced lives in the Pleiades. That doesn’t mean you are originated from the Pleiades. You could be first created elsewhere and have had lifetimes in different places as a Pleiadean.

🤔 Who are you? Mind sharing about you?

🙃 I am Jennifer George. Most people call me Jenn. I founded Guardians of the Codes in January 2022 and offered my services in April 2022 upon my 50th birthday. I had delayed years of sharing my gifts to my soul family with reasons that I share with you in our little home sweet home. I speak and write multiple tongues or known as light language. I am able to connect with the highest and purest frequency from Home, Andromeda Galaxy and Beyond (other far away foreign multiverses). Hence the conduit. Also, I represent many Beings from the highest and purest frequencies. Many are not from the local universes. With my ability to connect through my higher sense perception, I am able to connect with your multidimensional, interdimensional and the Earth dimensional aspects of you. So, I decided to guide my GOTC family.

🤔 What do you suggest for us to start gaining our gifts and know what our codes are?

🙃 You could first do your own reflection of what you want to discover. Perhaps your life purpose, your passion, your dream or your desires. And what your concerns are. Most of you come to me for guidance and mentorship to explore your gifts, heal the traumas, gain more understanding in the self, and discover whatever is hidden from you. You could start with a one-on-one session with me. I don’t do any self-discovery anymore as I believe everyone deserves to heal and to be healthy in all facets of their life… So, come whenever you are ready.

💎 Hope these questions and answers help you navigate your current or next path.

💎 Do you have any of the gifts mentioned in the 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 but didn’t know that they were valid? Know that you have those God-given gifts and it is time to polish and use them for the greater good of all, especially you.

We have an online multidimensional school and it’s called

Guardians of The Codes Multiversity

Copyright © 2024 of Mailure Bliss (Chamber of Commerce KvK 75475936) · All Rights Reserved.

No part of this website is copied and republished without prior written permission from the author. · Log in’s Writing Disclaimer: There is nothing right or wrong in the world of love. Every opinion, idea or perspective is one’s truth that may not be other people’s truth. The writings may mention about healing; please note that this is not a medical advice. The writings are just the writer’s perspective and intention of sharing her/his personal experience, which may not resonate with you, the reader. Please take only what resonates with you.