In the past decades or so, there are more and more humans who have gained their original gifts, abilities and talents. Speaking in tongue is a gift many of us have the ability to do it. Some can write, draw, paint, dance, heal and/or create with it.
People who are developing their spiritual side call this “speaking in tongue” gift as light language or the language of light. Some use various kind of terms like multidimensional language, galactic language, universal language, language of the soul and even alien language. (If only you realised… don’t you think we are not alien ourselves? LOL)
So, those who can suddenly speak may find it strange at first but there is within them the inner knowing that this is “normal”. It is supposed to be normal because it is in our DNA.
What happens is that, many of us who have the “machines” in our system have now been “turned on” (activated). The junk DNA that the scientists call is actually the dormant DNA within us. Depending on our soul origin, we carry certain number of DNA strand. Many of God’s children have 12 DNA strand template but many also have lesser, not because of the junk DNA but because they just don’t have them.
These gifts are uncommon to the “normal” humans who are living their lives according to what the societies, dogmas or education system have taught them.
The common perception that leads to judgemental attitude and behaviour has been the first and foremost virus injected in every human brain. This, then, leads to the one that stops us from doing anything further or moving forward. Fear: the biggest virus that every human and animal has.
Although many people have developed their gifts at the earliest age, due to the fear of being judged or labelled as the worst for a child to hear, they have closed the doors to these abilities.
It is unfortunate how some parents listened to the fear in the mind and sent their children to the mental hospital or put them in a place away from the “civilisation”. It is unfortunate how they let other people, those who are pretending to do “God’s work” to make the decision for their children. It is unfortunate for those children who are stuck in their family home to be labelled as the evil.
It is unfortunate for those children who have turned to adulthood to believe whatever their parents, family members, man of the cloth, teachers, societies said about them was true. So, they have no respect and honour in themselves. They treat themselves as the ones who have caused all the pains and sufferings their family have to endure, as they were made to believe.
It is so unfortunate that those who judge and punish others think highly of themselves rather than to listen to what God, the Holy Spirit or their angels have whispered in their hearts to be more loving and kind. It is unfortunate that they use God to fulfil their lower self for their lusts and desires to taint people’s life.
Yes, the Old Testament has mentioned many things which have distorted many a mind of believers. The New Testament teaches about love. Love that Jesus brought in to instil in our hearts. He did his best to help those who have lost in the fields of wilderness back to the right path. He used his gifts to heal, plant the seed of love in the people, teach wisdom and heart technologies.
Those gifts that Jesus had, we all have too. Jesus was a psychic and so are we. However, we all have our own superpower. You, as well as I, know that not everyone is the same. Our unique personage makes us special. That is what St. Paul (the former Saul) said in his letters to the Corinthians.
According to Saint Paul in his Letter to the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (NIV)
“4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
“7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”
These verses (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) confirm that we are not evil. No evil. Those who say we are, have no understanding in the way of the heart, the holy spirit, the blessings from the Prime Creator, God.
I am now sharing with you this new revelation as I, too, was deep in the mud of confusion between my God-given gifts and what the church people including my circle of kin said. It was normal to judge and condemn other people, then (and now, I’m surely aware of that).
Fear of being judged was definitely the number one virus that I have now removed. I no longer believe in what people think or say about me. Because of this, God has shown me the vision of when I was a little girl and growing up.
There were several episodes that I had forgot about because of wanting to revisit what happened then. But to my greatest amazement, I was shown and reminded of me talking to the trees, the nature around me, the elements and little friends like fireflies or bees as if they could speak and I could hear their minds.
Then, when I was in a boarding school from the age of thirteen, I went to our Catholic’s St. Joseph church every time there was a mass. I joined two Catholic prayer groups in our church so that I could join in the prayer activities. They were Prayer Meetings group and Covenant Community group. Both consisted of almost the same members.
The first few times I joined, I was confused of the languages used during the worship time. Two or three people were playing music instruments while others closed their eyes and praised, glorified, worshipped God. Then, my hair started to stand up and I felt all sorts of tingling, unknown (but also known) feelings. I, carefully, opened an eye to see what everybody was doing and what they did to my body.
The gathering layout was a circle style. Every chair was arranged so everyone could see each other. Like creating a circle vortex. I couldn’t fathom the strength of the prayer that could get me into these (all sorts of) feelings. Although now I know that the strange languages had led my body to vibrate in a manner that I thought I was not okay, at that time, I only knew that, “If your hair stands up, there is a ghost near you.”
Ah! If only I could interpret that one “scary” word, ghost to spirit, as in holy spirit, I wouldn’t have freaked out and opened one of my eyes to see if everyone was alright, and that they were not bringing “ghosts” to scare me off.
They were speaking in tongues. I knew later on when somebody or perhaps the leader mentioned it in one of the group meetings. I don’t remember when I started to join these groups but when I left secondary (high) school, I missed those meetings. I missed praying, praising God and blessing Jesus in a group.
I have totally forgot about all those past experiences until recently. I regained my abilities back in 2017 after I made the decision to learn more about myself. It was enough letting people tell me who or what I was, which was usually negative. This decision had led me to more studies to remind this human brain all the things that we had not been shown.
God has opened my path to more adventures in the spiritual realms.
So, I started to speak and write those characters, letters and symbols among my journals. Only in April 2021, I got them all jotted down in their own notebooks. This was an idea I got from a soul sister, Akasha Azurite, after showing her my “weird” writings. I was so excited to share what I could do that she gave me this idea to put them in a book when she showed me her language of light book.
In June, after being “nagged” by my “instinct” that I needed to go to the book shop to get the geometry tools, I finally found a new compass, triangle and 360 degree protractor. Although I already had a new set of geometry tools in their tool box, I needed a good compass that I could put a pen or pencil according to my needs. Since then, I also drew geometric art form with the symbols in those drawings. Little did I know that these had meanings. As God keeps sending me materials and resources to study when I am not able to decipher the meaning of what I receive via vision, hearing, signs or dreams, I develop more abilities in my claire senses. I am not a pushy person. I believe when one is ready, one will be given what one needs.
So, if you know what I am talking all about in this article, you know that you have to shine your gifts. No matter what it is; no matter what people say or think. Gratitude is a huge ingredient in our alchemy work. We receive more blessings as we appreciate and say thank you more. So, nurture your gifts, your talents. If you think you don’t have any of those psychic abilities like Jesus had, be open when your children, someone’s children or another adult have. Let them speak their tongues, like the babies when we think they speak “baby language”. If only you remember that YOU spoke this “baby language” too, you wouldn’t have turned your head when someone says the speak an “alien” language.
I hope for all of us to keep being kind to one another. Speaking, drawing, painting, writing, gesturing, dancing and whispering in tongues are your God-given gifts. These are the language of light. That speck of Light that is shared by God with each of us so that we can experience what God can.
If you think you have these abilities and want to develop more, as well as gaining confidence to practice them in public, you can drop me a message in the contact page here. In fact, if you have any feedback, comment at all about this topic, I’d love to hear them. You can write to me in this comment box below. I filter all incoming comments to ensure the purity of this divine space and journey. So, if you wish that your comment needs to be in private, I won’t approve to post it here, okay?
I wish you humongous love,
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