It was raining cats and dogs when he came to our childhood home at mile 5. I was seven years and about ten months old then. I saw him talking to my mum outside at the veranda. The rain poured down heavily caused him wet.
Several days or weeks later which I am not able to recall now, I heard of him passing. The next scene of my memories was at his mother’s home where there were many of them. I was sitting on the wooden floor with my mum in a kind of a circle among other relatives and dad was elsewhere in that house.
The energy was heavy. Some people said unkind things to my mum and I felt her hurting inside. Great-grandmother was tough on my mum too but that was not new to me. The ladies of the family did not like my grandmother, the wife of great-grandmother’s second son or third child of ten.
I don’t remember about seeing grandfather in the coffin which is our tradition. Maybe I have deleted that memory because I was always fearful of the dead especially those “ghosts” that were visiting.
A few years later or maybe one of those days when I found out the details of my dad’s father coming to mile-5. Dad was still working in another town and lived there. So, it was only the five of us kids with our mum in Papar.
Grandpa took a public passengers’ van from the village in mile-10 to our village in mile-5. He wanted to talk to his son and left the message to my mum. He didn’t come inside our home as he didn’t want any of us, his grandchildren, to get the bacteria he had. He had tuberculosis and it was very contagious.
In summary, he pleaded my parents to retrieve the property grants that had been pawned by one of his children.
My dad did according to his dad’s wishes. My parents used all the money they had to pay the amounts to the pawnbroker to get the grants back.
Being a generous and wise person, my dad as the oldest child gave to each of his five siblings a piece of the land.
In 2013, he transferred his name on the grant to mine, in case of his early demise in this lifetime.
I am the oldest child and grandchild to my parents and my paternal grandparents. Dad has trained me since the early age to be responsible and wise in my role as the oldest. Due to the distance relationship between my father and his two other sons, I had to keep the property intact.
However, I also ensure that each of my five siblings will get their portion of the land in case I had to leave my body soon too by going to a local attorney to make a will. I had a number of properties back then before I got rid of most of them.
Land and properties have always been the cause of a family drama in our society.
I had been dubbed with unkind names and accused of certain behaviours which was not true by family members, relatives and family friends.
Some people who were distance relatives even came to me to gain an acre here and an acre there. It was sad to see the direction of this greed and unkindness.
I sold my apartment back home in 2016 and my European home in 2019. In 2018, I transferred the big grant from my name to all my five siblings. I took only an acre, half of what each of them received, to secure my father’s place because he is still living in our big family home all by himself.
In the course of the years after my grandfather left us, he came to my dream many times. One of the dreams caused my body painful, with strange rashes and heat. I did not have fever at all but I knew in the later years that my body was used as the vessel of transmuting other people’s pains and sufferings.
A couple of the dreams were so profound that I still remember to this day. I mentioned the dreams to my family including my father’s siblings and was pleased with the feedback from my uncles and aunties. They set a great example to their children by honouring and respecting their oldest niece. I truly appreciate them for this simple but huge gesture in our family. They gave me such a huge confidence in doing whatever I’m doing now.
As I started fulfilling my universal service mission here on Earth this year, together with my Andromeda Sisters, I got to contact my late grandparents on both sides.
It was in July when I, first, encountered some of my family members during our intergalactic-traveling. Of course, it is always fun to do this work together with my GOTC family.
So, I met my grandpa and grandma as they were working together. Grandpa was stirring the really huge wok (we have one huge wok at my dad’s home, I hope it is still there) while grandma kept adding “herbs” and ingredients inside. Not the kind of human’s stuff but the planets, stars, galaxies kind.
It was so fun to experience their joke by showing us what they are doing now. I’ll talk about the other family members in the future articles.
When my grandma passed away in 2009, it was not easy for her soul to release her body due to some parasites or spirits’s resistance that she was working with.
Now, that I do this work, I could return to that timeline to help her passing and take her to our Retreat Centers for healing and rejuvenation. She went straight to Sirius B for emotional healing and she also went to Arcturus to get her mental part treated and healed.
Seeing her with grandpa gave me a huge relief with tears of joy.
Although I “could” decipher my dreams with grandpa, I still wanted to know the meaning of two of them. What I received was profound.
One, his soul was taken by the SSGs to get what he had/has. It was not a nice sight; they wanted his powerful gifts. Two, grandpa did give me a huge gift, new frequency of the highest and purest that I was able to retrieve in July.
Those were two important things why I keep doing what I am doing now. I know the truth and I am here for one huge reason only. Indeed, I am not here to stay on this planet forever.
Grandpa is working together with me. He is a scientist, chemist, wizard, warrior and more. He is strict but fun and loving trainer to our GOTC Initiates.
During one of our encounters together at our intergalatic work, I asked him, ” Grandpa, why did you leave the Earth so early?” He was only 50 years old or maybe not even 50. He told me, he was tired.
Grandpa was a hard worker. He farmed, tapped rubber trees for the latex to sell, caught fishes in the sea to feed his family, planted paddies and did all the hard work. He was also very strong, gifted with psychic abilities, very generous, kind to good people and stern. He was taken into a prison by the local authorities for helping “refugees” from Jawa in the fifties.
Oh, yes, he sewed clothes and weaved fishing nets too.
I have missed him so much in the past years and wished that he didn’t leave early so he could teach me his skills and talents especially the weaving part and his psychic abilities.
Today, I am so grateful that I am able to reconnect with my grandpa Donn and that he is the grandpa to all of our GOTC Initiates. We are so grateful. We love you, grandpa.
With all my love,

P.S. Join us by first taking a one-on-one session with me (or three) to start regaining your gifts. We go intergalatic-travelling in style.
Thank you for sharing your Grandpa’s story as it is truly our honored to be able to meet him in GOTC and work closely with him as well. He “is” very humorous in many of our trainings. I am feeling very blessed and grateful. Thank you, Jenn.
Thank you so much, Lilian. I am looking forward for us to write more about our Grandpa. Remember, “above” Peru? I need to listen to the replay so we can write more about it and him. We both love you, Lilian.
Thank you!, Jenn for sharing this deepest and loving personal story. I can totally relate with some of your story. Our grandpa Donn is a warrior who continues to humbly work with all his love and dedication for the best of humanity. I see him, I honor him, I recognize him. 💫💕
Aww! Thank you, Rosa. He has the biggest love in him to share with all of us. You’ll see his actions during our mission works soon. Looking forward to make more memories together with him and you. Love you.