To all my beloved guardians,
Congratulations on the awakening of your memories!
As you start being aware of the real truth that you are bigger than you think you are, you will start looking for clues, signs and messages to connect with God and the other realms more.
For those of you who have been in this journey with us, you know that there will be a lot of new changes in your journey. Depending on your willingness or resistance to move forward, you either will accelerate faster or slower. It is all up to your own openness to this new venture.
This journey is about raising your frequency in order for you to expand and accelerate more. However, it is not always smooth and easy, especially in the beginning of the journey.
Know that you may lose some people in your life.
When we start this new journey to fulfilment, we stop allowing negativity or those of lower densities in our field. Our Higher Identity Self or Guardian Angel will whisper to us if this person or that person is aligned to our frequency or not. Or both Higher Selves between yours and the other person may probably say, “Oh! The vessels are not aligned right now. Let’s part them both.”
So, when you are living in a higher state of consciousness with an invigorating and vibrantly positive all-round characters and behaviours, those who are from the lower frequency may find you “too positive” or too bright for their field. They may remove you from their lives or you will have to distance yourself from those whom are lowering your frequency bandwith. The person would just dismiss you and move on with his/her life in another direction.
The person could be someone you really love. So, get ready for this kind of change. Refrain from being bitter or having thoughts that can discourage you from facing obstacles with grace and faith. Take nothing personal; just respect and honour each journey.
Know that you may feel all sorts of physical ailments.
As we are on this journey of expanding our hearts, our body will start to build up its light body by allowing photonics light and high frequency codes to enter our cells and therefore, upgrading the light body. Since our body is filled with a lot of density debris, traumatic pain and sufferings that are stored within the body, it would be too weak to receive the higher frequencies of light.
So, our vessel may have aches and pains here and there. Vertigo and nausea are common too. Ringing tones in either or both of the ears, hearing waves or voices are part of the symptoms. Your skin could be tightened or there would be some sensational feelings in some part of your body or even a quick electric shock. Difficulty to sleep. All these are normal.
You may also find yourself being fatigue easily and want to just lie down in bed to rest or sleep.
In the beginning, you may find it strange and question everything. You may think it is only on a short term but in my personal experience, this can take longer. After a few years, you’ll get used to it.
However, it is advisable for you to get medical advice from your own GP or family medical doctor when your heart tells you to.
Know that you may develop your psychic abilities.
During this journey, you, either, will regain your psychic abilities or receive some kind of other upgrades. It depends on your soul contracts. Not many people have all abilities coming online at the same time.
The clear senses may get stronger to some. You can have visions of colours, images, symbols, short clips of events, vivid dreams, premonition or postmonition; this is called clairvoyance (clear seeing).
You may have the claircognizance (clear knowing) through inner knowing, clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairalience (clear smelling), clairgustance (clear tasting) or even clairempathy (clear emotional feeling).
You could start communicating telepathically with a person, an animal or nature in general.
Depending on your soul contract(s) with certain gifts and abilities, you may have one as the primary gift while others are secondary.
Know that you may feel like it is the end of your world.
All you want is to be left alone so you can feel “miserable” on your own, cry without knowing why and have the remorse feeling for something that you have no idea if it ever happened.
When this happens, don’t get panicked or turned down. You, definitely, are not “crazy”; it is just part of the deal being here on the third dimensional (3D) plane. All the dirts, debris, parasites, toxins and blockages will make it difficult for you when you are working on getting rid of them.
Know that you will require a lot of sleeps.
There are quite a lot of ongoing activities while you are sleeping. You may be traversing and do some major work depending on your contracts. You could be clearing karmic debris, traumas, collapsing timelines or even get healing “somewhere” in a higher dimension realm.
Sleep is imperative to heal a body. So, when you are sleepy, don’t try to drink caffein to force you to wake up. Just proceed to your bed, comfy sofa or to the green lawn in your back garden while getting recharged.
Know that you will receive a lot of inspirations.
Your brilliant self may suddenly be full of brilliant ideas. You may find a new talent or interest.
This is the time to create, build and construct. It doesn’t matter if it’s just adding an ingredient to your cooking or writing a poem without any meaning or direction.
You will be amazed at what you have created by the end of the season of clearing, purging and cleansing.
Know that you will get a lot of support from the Unseen (God, Angels, Higher Identity Selves).
Pay attention to the lyrics of a song, the colour in the sky, the feather on your way out, the book that falls on your head from the bookshelf, the email from a person you have longed forgotten, the numbers that pop up somewhere or anything that you find it strange. These could be your signs and/or messages from your higher team of Angelic Light.
Know that you may suddenly speak and/or write in tongues.
Many of you that have been guided by me usually start to write or scribble strange words or images that the brain is not able to translate. Keep these. You also can also get a new notebook just for these “strange letters”, writings (I call them scripts) or even a doodle that you draw. These are what we call “writing, scripting or drawing in tongues” with the universal language of light, also known as light language.
We hope this clarifies some of your questions.
There are more to the list that we can always update later on.
We suggest that you jot them down in your notebook/journal, even if it’s just a thought. Someday, you’ll understand why you received certain messages before.
Please share your experience(s) if you are taking this new path. If you haven’t yet and are intrigued by our excitements, please feel free to use the contact form here with your message.
Everything is encoded in high frequency here and you’ll feel warm in your heart each time you’re here. The codes help to activate your codes and it’s all up to your Soul to run them for you.
Humongous love,

P.S. One more day today to get our 50% offer. Come and get your soul codes reading and/or your one-on-one session with us with half of the price offered.
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