Our GOTC Summer (Northern Hemisphere) and Winter (Southern Hemisphere) 2022’s Accomplishments
There have been so many changes in our lives. Stories upon stories to share but somehow buried among the others. My life has been so vibrant, peaceful and adventurous ever since I turned 50 years old in April 2022. It was not because of the age. It was merely the decision I made upon myself. A choice I took after fifty years of being silenced.
The fear that has captured in each human and animal, including all kingdoms unknown to the human minds as we have been told that there is no such thing. All fantasy! They have said.
I would go on and on about that fear-based topic but I am here now to share what we have accomplished so far as Guardians of the Codes, the children of God Source the Prime Creator.
This summer, we have met and got to know some of our dragons, unicorns, pegasuses, lions and more. These are our R-Team. As time goes by, we meet more.
As Guardians of the Codes, we only connect with the highest and purest frequencies. Not the highest vibration because that will be the lowest frequencies. This is another subject we share among us because we only go with the original and the truth teachings that our souls remember.
We have done many to assist in the evolution of Earth along with her higher selves Tara and Gaia. We have connected these three as one so as to receive the highest frequencies from Gaia and therefore from Tara. We have also received the frequencies from the non-gravity home and anchored them on the triangle GTE with their own threefold flames of the highest and purest.
Children came to us for assistance. We were in Africa, Asia, Europe, Americas, and more. We relieved their pains and sufferings and provided them with fun activities so they wouldn’t feel the physical, emotional and mental trauma of the abusive conducts by their abusers (the victimisers).
We have put on our armours. Riding with our R-Team to each site where captured humans were being kept. We smelled scents of blood and sweat. Children, men and women. We managed to release many humans that we saw in those two missions. We sent them to our special retreat center on Earth for healing and rejuvenation.
Our dragons were hurt in the battlefield, fighting against the dragons of these unkind groups. We sent them to one of our homes to recover and regain their strength and health.
We all are gifted. We felt, saw, heard, tasted and smelled anything during the mission. We didn’t allow us to absorb the effect of the physical, emotional and mental abuse on the children, men and women. We only allowed ourselves to observe and assist as quick as possible.
We have closed old soul agreements that do not serve our purpose and rewritten with the highest intentions. We have healed a few of the distorted lines within our genes in our DNA strands and there are still many layers to work on. It is okay as we do not stop our explorations and adventures as humans.
Each day is a new exciting day to behold. We walk hand-in-hand. We crawl and run together as one.
Each session with me is priceless as they all receive more than what they have imagined. I give gifts generously to all our Initiates. I let them have each other so they don’t have to walk on this path alone.
Among us, there is no competition nor comparison, only co-operation, co-creation and collaboration. That is us, the Guardians of the Codes.
If you feel you are part of our Universal Service Mission, join us by first having at least a session with me. You will be upgraded to be a GOTC Initiate.

P.S. Join us on Monday for the Celestial’s Ancestral Healing for Sexual Trauma/Abuse. Please click here for more info or here to go to SHV Facebook group. You only have to contribute a bit for this huge work.

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