(Jenn: I received this love letter “Gratitude as a GOTC Initiate” from Lilian on 5 July 2022. Her new path started on 29 June 2022 on our one-on-one pre-session for July.
Lilian shared these beautiful words “WHO IS SHE” on Facebook and I am adding it here too. 3 Aug 2022.)
Gratitude as a GOTC Initiate
Dear Jenn,
It is 7 Days into a New Life as GOTC Initiate working towards 5D Lifestyle. I am writing this and hearing my recording of Prosperity Prayer with you with my candle beside me and it is 5:41am with Paige right beside me.
I am in so much peace like the energy in my sacred space.
I could feel my internal shift gently everyday.
It is through my vessel, my feelings and my heart.
I could see my inner radiance shining out and I have received many compliments from the past week.
To be in my own self,
To be in my joy,
To be in my own skin,
To be in my own heart,
Is the most self love that I can give myself in each and every moment.
My inner child is dancing with joy,
My inner goddess is so beautiful,
My inner world has colours and bling bling.
The Heart healing journey is a great experience,
Each layer of my heart is like white lotus petals.
I was given 108 numbers when I was sitting on the lotus petals nurturing myself.
I have so much gratitude towards you and your higher self.
Thank you, Jenn.
Love you,
LiRa (Lilian)

Dear Ones,
I am Lilian Hii and I am from Sydney.
I am one of the first Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates.
Daisy Ting Du has asked me to connect with Jenn George but I was too busy with my new community and one day I came across the name again and I started to check on her. (I don’t normally check on people).
I scrolled and I reached to a post and suddenly I saw blue light beaming out from my skin and with light codes running on my skin! I told Daisy and she asked me to email to Jenn. Instead of sending email, I connected Jenn by replying to her on that post and explained what had happened.
She then tagged me to another two posts with codes and I had the urge to script and stream of consciousness scripting for a page! I draw codes as the art form but not writing a page of codes! I decided to connect with her and found out my higher-self was so eager to connect with her and my fire letter being activated just by viewing the codes.
I also found out that Jenn is from the same hometown (island) – Borneo and we are both Aries and our birthday is one day apart!
I decided to join her soul code reading in May and took the three one-on-one session in June. We started working on getting my heart opened wider. I then decided to work thoroughly with Jenn in July by taking two times of the three one-on-one sessions.
I truly enjoyed my journeys with Jenn and I discovered the truth about myself; first as a Community Leader in one of the planets in Lyra. Then, as a Lemurian Princess and a Priestess.
Next, as an Arcturian Scientist in the field of High Technology Architecture and design in holographic forms. I also have 5 Dragons!
I am Jenn’s little sister of Andromeda Star Constellation as well as a family member of The Seraphims where Jenn is the partner of the Seraphim’s Head. I am the Celestial Architect Leader in the building and designing era using my angelic voice as the tool.
I am also the SACRED HEART VALLEY Creatrix and we have 5 Conscious Leaders as The Pillars of 4 High Frequencies Communities.
I am committed and devoted my spiritual growth path and my heart expands more each day and my carbon body has slowly turned into the original crystalline.
My transformation is so fast and I continue to commit on my devoted way into the newer and higher timelines.
You can read my bio here: https://guardiansofthecodes.com/initiate-lilian-hii/
My service to HUmanity: https://www.facebook.com/theseraphimheart/
Besides the MD of self, I am a three munchkins MaMa – 3yo, 13 yo and 15 yo.
Jenn, I deeply bow to you in many levels.
Love you, sis.

Jenn’s Gratitude Note
Lilian Hii is one of our first Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates. She received her soul code reading in May and took the three one-on-one sessions with me in June. We started working on getting her heart opened wider. She decided to work thoroughly with me in July by taking two times of the three one-on-one sessions with me.
When I started taking the Initiates going on journeys, Lilian was one of those taken and enjoyed her first of many journeys. She discovered the truth about herself; first as a community leader in one of the planets in Lyra. Then, as a beautiful Lemurian Princess and Priestess. Next, as an Arcturian Scientist in the field of high tech architecture and design in holographic forms. We let her meet her highest higher or multidimensional self to support her in her journey on planet Earth as a human.
On week-two of our Guardians of the Codes’ group session, I took them to my playground of the highest and purest frequencies. She met her five personal bodyguards, her magnificent dragons, for the first time.
But Lilian also has over 50 other dragons from the current Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates to support her. We saw 36 in total on that day but we do have more personal and, now, group bodyguards of the highest and purest frequencies’ dragons.
A couple of days before having our week-3 group session, we had two one-on-one sessions where she met Jesus and her Middle Eastern self, Thomas; the man who wrote the Gospel of Thomas.

The second session took us to our celestial home (one of our multidimensional homes) to the Seraphim Angels family. This added to our list of knowledge and wisdom of our gifts and abilities.
As the choir conductor and the partner of the Seraphim Leader, I sang a song accompanied by my beautiful Seraphim Trio singers to activate Lilian’s and other Initiates’ angel wings and infused toning and tuning codes for their singing gift through The Trio’s and my voice.
Lilian also has her new personal Seraphim Trios – The Pink Seraphim Trio.
Lilian has gotten all her abilities and more. Her heart expands more each day and her carbon body has slowly turned into the original crystalline. We all are so proud of how fast Lilian has transformed and kept shifting into the newer and higher timelines.
Please click here to read more about our radiant Lilian, one of our Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates.
Much love,

[…] about her here to learn more about this Radiant Seraphim Angel, the Arcturian Scientist Architect and Holographic […]