(Originally posted on Sept 23, 2021 in my other website. Giving this a permanent home here.)
My transmitted light codes notebooks are filled up beautifully. There are four of the total six thin traveler’s notebooks that I own that are loaded with sacred technologies, formulas and codes. Each book contains 60 pages.
I started writing symbols and characters of this weird language in my journals in 2018. So, they are everywhere.
After my birthday in April 2021, God led me to Akasha Azurite on YouTube when I was searching for my Andromedan family. There were just a few of my soul family on YouTube then.
I had always known that my essence came from the Andromeda Galaxy and later, left the galaxy to join the Andromeda Constellation, another star system between Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy to help the refugees from Lyra.
Most beings from Andromeda Galaxy are angelic looking. Those ancient ones don’t even have shapes but soft silky white being, that is if you get to see them from your third eye.
Beings in Andromeda Constellations are humanoid-like. We do have shapes but more elongated due to the high amount of copper on our planets. Most of us look blue but tend to change colours as we get older. Unlike on Earth, we, Andromedan humanoids, age to thousands of years.
When I found Akasha Azurite, I was so happy I cried. It felt home. Before Akasha, I followed another Andromedan family called Aja but her service had moved from servicing the 3D/4D planes to being in the seventh dimensional plane to serve The All.
Having found Akasha, I went to her website. I booked the Avatar Star Soul Reading right away without a second thought.
Although I have had three readings from another Akashic reader and a simple reading in writing from another beautiful soul, I still wanted to know more about my mission. Akasha gave me an in-depth reading about what I was bringing in here, like what I am doing here in the Netherlands and what I am doing in my dream time…
During my sleep, I (astral) travel to my birth home in North Borneo to heal the land, the people, the trees, the animals and I, sometimes, work with my family. They are not aware of what we do in our dream state.
Although I had been working on myself since 2013 when I had the fall accident, most of my crystalline DNA strands were still asleep. So, I joined Akasha’s Aurora Star Language Healer’s course for 5 weeks upon the Unseen’s recommendation. Through all the activations that she gave me and the wisdom she shared with me, the fire codes within my DNA strands awoke.
That also means that these fire codes encourage my memory bank deep in my soul to open up to give me all the data to pour them all out. I do it by speaking or singing them through my throat and making movements with my hands like the “sign language” and with my body. Other creativities also start to come out like drawing, painting, writing and calculating.
Numbers keep coming to me. Whenever I get the nudge to write, my Unseen family or higher self will show me numbers, as a synchronicity through thoughts or actions or a sign. When the portal is opened somewhere, I’d quickly write down the transmissions.
From April 18, 2021 to August 1m 2021, I filled up only 19 pages of my first traveler’s notebook. Two pages were geometric light codes art I did with no dates written down. Then, from August 18th, I started to write “essays” that filled up the whole page and geometric art or sketches in between. I have written over ten different kinds of language of light so far. Others call this type of writing as Asemic writing or intuitive writing.
My fourth book finished on September 22nd at 9:12am. My fifth book started on the same day right after I close the green book and drew a geometric light codes art to activate more and to let the spheres decode the written messages.

If you are wondering if I understand them or if I can translate any of them, I shall tell you that I do understand them but not in a human way. As I am still evolving too, I need to learn to just trust and let go of the control of being in the know all the time. So, I write them down, push any thoughts away and let the words flow.
In the beginning, I’d look some of the characters I wrote and would go back to “correct” to make it look “nicer” and did not look like our English language, Chinese or Japanese. Then, I removed my glasses so that I wouldn’t see anything as I wrote. Things seemed to flow easily. My mind would think of the current situation while my hand would just write. That’s how I developed my trust and belief that what I was doing was for the highest good.
At some point this month, I got a “message” or the inner knowing (it’s my Higher Self sending me telepathic messages as usual) that I was bringing in advanced technologies for the New Children. So, I decided that I’d write everything down and if I didn’t manage to translate them, it didn’t matter.
My work is for the New Children to decode and decipher. They will know what to do with these codes with scalar wave technologies.
So, if you feel that you also write the language of light, you can start getting a book and record them. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a symbol, a stroke, a chicken scratch or noodle strings (I did this when I was five years old and filled up pages upon pages), just do it. Trust yourself and tell doubt to start trusting. That’s what I do.
The codes you have might be for the current work you are doing, like healing yourself or healing the collective. They could even be to activate your own DNA strand which is very important. We have to activate them all so we can adjust, repair, realign and/or restore.
Let’s have fun writing all the codes down.
P.S. Coming soon: Personalised Geometric Light Code Transmission
Hi Jenn, I read this blog again as I read it last year and you have inspired me to write a blog post to share in GOTC Community. I honour my codes so much. This year, I could see a lot of the codes that I have created last year and from there I understood I was creating the codes that assisting my journey and my mission. They are all healing my own journey. Deep Gratitude to be mentored by you and feeling very comforting and ease in the healing journey.
Aww! Thank you so much for sharing this, Lilian. It has been an adventure together and there are more to uncover, discover and recover. 😘😘