(Shared on 4th November 2021 in another platform, giving this beauty a home here.)
When I saw a photograph of Mount Kinabalu taken by my second cousin once removed, I saw many that people didn’t see. My heart said, it’s time to share them the story. So, I asked my cousin, Kevin, for his permission to use his photo. Permission was granted and here’s the photo.
This is for my fellow Borneo Islanders but also for every creature on this planet. Just because…
Once upon a time, there was a huge land on planet Earth. The people on this land lived a simple and peaceful life. There were no roads or sophisticated vehicles, no concrete buildings, no modern technologies like what we have now and no separations among the people and other living beings.
They lived based on what the Earth gave them. Fresh spring water, vegetables, fruits and plants. Animals lived among them and they lived among the animals, sea creatures and elementals.
Every person had her or his own gift. One might be gifted in sound and this became their source of entertainment, communication and healing. Another person might be gifted in sight.
With this gift, the person could help the community to overcome certain tragedy or they could see the events that had already happened in someone’s life. These were some of the gifts and talents that the people possessed and celebrated.
There were Elders in each community. The Elders were female. Women were highly respected as they were the ones bringing the new lives in their wombs. Without women, there were no lives. Men loved these women and they, too, had their gifts like the women.
In the early lives on this land, there were only thousands of people in this community. It was not easy to gain new lives because of the density and rules of this planet, as well as the probability of being “prisoned” that a soul could not go back home.
When a soul agreed to come, a mother was chosen to carry the new life. There would be a ceremony of a week or two to welcome the new child. During the ceremony, the community made a special hut and a bed for this mother-to-be to lay with the chosen men until she conceived.
Everyone would be in another hut celebrating the act of conceiving. Another elder would know when a new life was conceived. Once a baby was born, this baby would belong to a community, not to a family. The mother would be honoured as the mother who brought the new child in. The community would teach this new child the gifts and would harness the gift of this child. The Elders knew the child’s mission.
When another civilization turned up and mixed with this community, the norms of life changed. The male power poisoned the minds of many of these innocent people.
This was the start of the disaster that changed the map of this planet where lands moved and some went down the water or above the water. Remember the flood in the bible? There were actually two of them. Hunger of power by other civilization caused the floods to happen.
Most of us are still impacted by the tragedy. If you’re scared of water because of a memory of drowning, it could be because of the memory from this ancient story.
Borneo island was part of this huge land but due to its high land, part of this land didn’t sink. That’s what this beautiful photo of Kevin shows us.
The portal was opened on 10 October 2021 and the dragons, our protectors, were around to protect the land. We are the descendants of Mu Continent, part of Lemuria, one of the ancient civilizations not in our modern history books.
They were all burnt down in the beautiful library of Alexandria. Some of them are still available in some of the places Jesus visited but are kept by the Keepers of this Earth.
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