(Note: This letter talks about quantum lifestyle. The terms used are unknown to most of the “normal” people except for those who have started their awakening journey.)
Hello Soul & Cosmic Family,
July has been one of the best months to us, the Guardians of the Codes (GOTC). After starting the deconstruction and reconstruction phase in June, we, successfully, built a solid rock foundation for our new path of fulfilling our collective soul mission.
The processes include:
- Inner work
- Outer work
- Management work – in money, relationships, time, home, etc.
- And more
We designed a living lifestyle of 5D-and-beyond where we allowed all lower density energies to come up in order to gain healing while being grateful and living a life full of joy, peace and happiness embodying the 12 GOTC’s qualities.
My journey has been fast and fun within a couple of months. However, I had to go through decades of being in the lowest in order to awaken to my true self. When I did not listen to my higher self, I had to go through several near-death-experiences (NDEs).
Upon my 50th birthday, I started to undergo several comprehensive trainings directly with my own Rishi Self (higher than the Avatar Identity Self, Oversoul and Soul Self or the common words “higher self”) from June onwards. Part of the trainings consisted of the lessons of the human body, the connections between the soul incarnate and its multidimensional (MD) self.
I can safely say that the lessons touched both the science and spiritual aspects. The science side is so advanced that humans may pinpoint that what we or I know is not proven yet. To me this is fine. We do not defend ourselves; we simply smile and stay humble.
Journey’s Discovery and the Playground

In July, I started the month by taking my nine GOTC Initiates on journeys (ten Initiates, including me, as I, too, am undergoing trainings through my Rishi Self). Through the journeys, they found out who they were in certain parallel dimension(s) or lifetime(s). This is a gift I let the GOTC Initiates to reclaim. I take them to journeys and let them see, feel, heal, taste, smell and know the experience of “meeting” one (or more) of their multidimensional selves.
The next stage of the Guardians of the Codes’ “program” was when I managed to take them all to my “playground”. It’s a place with the highest and purest frequency where when a body is still filled with low density energies, the person with this body may have difficulties to get acclimate in this high frequency of a place. Since most of the Initiates were still very new in my “high” environment, I had to keep them grounded within our huge bubble.
With each passing of my training with my Rishi Self (and not to forget the High Order of the Rishis, Guardians, Founders and Councils), I get to take our GOTC Initiates to even “higher” places and discover-and-uncover more mysteries in many different topics. I can say, I do have the access to the highest and purest frequency which we prefer so as not to be influenced by the lower density frequency of beings or groups of beings.
Each soul family who comes with intention to reclaim her/his voice by taking the one-on-one sessions with me is right away shifted as the GOTC Initiate and has also received infusions during our group sessions as gifts from us (my Rishi Self, the High Order of the Rishis, the Guardians, Founders, Councils and the soul incarnate me). Since each Initiate has her/his own specialties, I teach them according to their own talents and gifts.
Meet the Dragons and the High Order of the Rishis
After the journeys, in week two of July, I invited them to my playground (with the highest and purest frequency) to meet their dragons. By this time, most of the Initiates had acclimated to my playground. There were 36 of them awaiting for us. I met my first 10 dragons (more behind the scene); Neyah met her 8 dragons; Lilian had 5; Grace, 7; Daisy, 7; Jazmin, 6; Catherine, 5; Viktoria, 6; Janice, 7 and Kyle’s 7.
Ever since then, with so much gratitude to our gifts, we have allowed the dragons to help us with our work. And of course, they are so honoured to help us. (Please note that there are dragons who serve the service-to-self groups and these are not of the highest and purest frequencies.)
By mid-July, I moved up to another level and received new techniques and technologies from my Rishi Self. With these new techniques and technologies, we could do more in our path of work. (Please also note, living in 5D-&-beyond, we stay humble and keep our work to ourselves. But it is okay to share how we have met our other multidimensional selves and reclaim our true identity self/selves.)
In one of the fun sessions with a GOTC Initiate, my Andromedan sister Neyah (we are the Rishi sisters from Andromeda Galaxy and Avatar sisters of Andromeda Star Constellation), our current lifetime’s human fathers joined us in an even higher place. Apparently, they were/are from the High Order of the Rishis. Meaning, they are Neyah’s and my “leaders” or in our MD term, they are our “Elders”.
Reminder to All Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates
For GOTC Initiates, below is a list of reminders to all of us:
- We do not claim to be “so-and-so” because of the lower mind’s agenda; we share who and what we are multidimensionally as we have received information through our journeys to places as per guided by our highest and purest frequency of our higher self/selves according to what is needed (through our guidance)
- We do not channel with any beings and do/be/have according to what “they” say; we connect only with the highest and purest frequency of our highest higher self/selves for healing, receiving gifts of love and remembering our true self/selves
- We do not compare with other people/beings/groups; we stay humble as we follow our Guardians of the Codes’ Twelve Qualities and our Promises to ourselves
- We do not tell other people what they do is right or wrong but among us, the GOTC Initiates, we are honest with one another to uplift us even if it hurts to the 3D mind and feeling because this is needed to heal not only ourselves but the whole planet as well as the whole local solar system
- We do not engage any attachments any longer; we stay within the highest and purest frequency as much as possible and when traumas and the 3D minds and feelings are in action, we face them with dignity, honour, respect, kindness and compassion with our beautiful gifted pure love
- We do not heal other people without their permission; we always ask the highest and purest frequency of their higher self when the individual is not emotionally and mentally available
- We do not do things with our own personal agenda because of needing to be greater than anyone or everyone else; always remember to stay humble, however, it is okay to share our beautiful and divine multidimensional self/selves whom we have “met personally” (not through channelling) as it is our divine right
- We do not give power to those that are of lower frequencies; we only work with the highest and purest frequencies (remember to embody the kindness, compassion and empathy too)
- Most important thing is: whatever we do is for the highest good of all; when we heal ourselves, we heal the whole collective and as we evolve, everyone (not only on this planet Earth) evolves too and this is a huge gift to everyone
- There are more but for now, remember to keep in your highest mind all the above-mentioned points and stay humble
August’s Intentions

Our intentions for August will be to keep sharing the knowledge and wisdom of the highest and purest frequency only, to the new and current GOTC Initiates, introducing the Initiates to their Lion Lioness Selves and their/our Unicorns, hosting a couple of celestial healing transmissions with our soul/cosmic family who is called for and perhaps doing and sharing some new stuff to the Initiates too.
Know that whatever we do is impromptu. All are led beautifully, joyfully, peacefully and equally in a harmonious style according to our divine true essence.
Whatever is happening here is according to the highest and purest frequency of the Highest Order. Many of what we do is unknown to the human mind and it is okay. We are more than the human mind we have.
Here’s the current list of the events planned for August for now. The estimated time per group session is at least two hours. We do have more coming up.
We’ll be hosting the group sessions on Tuesday at 2:00pm CET. These may be opened to those who are called for. Please subscribe here if you would like to be notified.
- 02.8.2022 GOTC MD Initiates Infusion (Meet the Lion Lioness Selves)
09.8.2022 GOTC MD Initiates Infusion (Celestial Healing Transmissions)- 16.8.2022 GOTC MD Initiates Infusion (Meet the Unicorns)
- 22.8.2022 GOTC MD Initiates Infusion (Celestial Healing Transmissions)
- 30.8.2022 GOTC MD Initiates Infusion (Gratitude & Momentum Sharing)
(Updated 17 August: I cancelled the 9th due to the intensity of my projects. However, those who have August sessions with me had special extra gifts. I took them to our Seraphim home for trainings and received gifts from home too.)
Please feel free to register your name and email here. You may not know what this all is about, but because you are here, it is saying that you have been guided by your higher self to find out more.
Close your eyes and connect through your heart and center (solar plexus) and you’ll receive the guidance from your higher self or guardian angel. The message will be short, swift and without reasoning or analysing but with pure love.
Invitation to All Our Soul and Cosmic Family to get to know your true self
What is known to many humans: the reason we incarnated on 3D Earth is to assist in the evolution of Earth. However, many humans are not aware that each of us is bringing in certain codes to planet Earth in order for us to anchor on Earth and to help our other soul and cosmic family to remember theirs. Hence, we are our own guardians of the codes; the codes that we (each of us) bring in.
By connecting with other soul and/or cosmic family, we share pieces of the puzzle together in order to fulfil our divine soul agreements. We are equally qualified but we have to remember and regain our voice first; the truth about us that had been intentionally hidden as we entered the 3D Earth.
To get to know our July Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates, I have introduced each of them according to what I see, know and feel them. Please click this link to learn about them.
If you are interested in knowing more about you, please click here to see if you are called (check within your heart) to have the one-on-one sessions with me.
If you would like to receive gifts, invitations or updates from me, please subscribe to our newsletter here.
Hope to have you joining the GOTC Initiates in August.
Know that we love each living being no matter who or what they are. Keep shining your true essence and do stay humble, dearests.
Humongous love,

P.S. Be one of the first Guardians of the Codes Pioneer and find out the truth about yourself. Get a session or three with Jenn here and you’ll receive more gifts than you’ll ever know.
P.P.S. Click here to meet the Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates.
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