(Note from Jenn: I received this beautiful and touching note from Claudia on 18 November 2022. I am so grateful and below is my gratitude note to her.)
Thank you letter to Jenn George
I write this letter as a thank you to you Jenn. I set up my first session with you because I heard from other healers that you guided them on amazing journeys, and I wanted to experience that.
What I found was not just the amazing experience in the journeys with you, I found a mentor who healed me and showed me the kind of character I want to live up to. I found real humility in your words and in your actions Jenn. You didn’t tell me you are powerful and that you could heal me, you healed me and showed me how to heal myself. You demonstrated your power and love with actions.
You are so generous with your time and your gifts. I have received so many blessings in our sessions and I am happier than ever because of the work you have done on me, and the work you have shown me I can do to help others.
You showed me my true self and connected me to my soul in a way no one else ever had. Your willingness to heal me on the first session instead of stringing me along shows me more than words ever could, that you care about me.
I know I am more powerful than I ever thought I could be, and with your guidance and example I know I will move forward in my spiritual journey grounded in love, compassion, humility and focused on service to humanity and all.
You showed me how to treat others based on my loving and compassionate nature, and not on how they have treated me. Thank you for showing me how to be braver than I have ever been. I was afraid to speak to the “others” and now I understand how it is necessary for healing all. You helped me to realize that sometimes those “others” may be another me.
In you Jenn, I have found a new spiritual, loving and supportive family. Thank you for connecting me to my spiritual siblings. I know I am finally home.

Gratitude Note from Jenn George
Claudia Ojeda-Mendoza joined GOTC in late August 2022 by taking three sessions in September with me.
She came to me in preparation for her mission to the Shambala vortices. I gifted her a pre-session on 26 August 2022. She left with her angelic wings activated, retrieved her angelic singing voice with light language and got to know one of her Oversouls from a star near Mintaka of Orion Constellation and her Avatar Identity Self of Lyra.
Claudia is and has been a warrior battling many wars in many of her lifetimes in multiple dimensions and on Earth too.
In late September and in October 2022, Claudia and her husband went on a mission to several Shambala vortices in the States. All the GOTC Initiates prepared codes for Claudia to anchor them on each vortex. Not only were we, the GOTC Initiates, there on each of their journey but also all of our Guardians, Founders, Councils and the reinforcement teams. It was such an exciting time that we were able to witness the joy of the Elders and everyone else.
Claudia is a very pro-active guardian of the codes. She is always one of the first in line to join us during our mission work. She does her assignments diligently and goes back to listen to all of our sessions to gain more ah-ha moments. She puts together the transmissions by me to infuse her while she takes a nap.
Her commitment and dedication towards her soul mission and the universal service mission is exceptional and outstanding. Claudia’s frequencies went doubling up in such a short time. For that reason, in November 2022, I have gifted her a very highly advanced Arcturian technology of 360 degree holographic screen to assist her in her mission work.
In addition, I also have introduced Claudia to her own Dragon Royal Self from a universe nearby to regain more of her gifts and abilities. These Dragons Royal are God Source’s dragon warriors, assisting in all of the God Source’s creations in all time, space, matter and anti-matter. Only people with very high frequencies are able to meet with their multi-headed Dragon Royal Selves.
Claudia is very analytical and organised. She makes sure she gets clear and precise answers when dealing with her team.
Not only is Claudia a warrior in other dimensions, she is also a daughter and warrior of the Seraphim Angels and a Rishi from the Primal Light Field. I connected her to her Highest Self, the Rishi in mid-November 2022; she saw her Rishi Self as a “light” Being.
The Rishis are of the highest and purest frequencies without any forms or structures and are not from our 12-dimensional Time Matrix system.
This means, everything that she is bringing in and transmitting in her work is also filled with the highest and purest frequencies only.
I am, definitely, honoured and grateful for/to Claudia’s willingness to listen to her guides in the first place to come to us as one the Guardians of the Codes. I know this is just the beginning and there will be more for Claudia to unfold in this exciting Earth mission.
You can find her at her Instagram account: ascendedharmony, where she provides short 15-minute meditations to everyone.
Please check her out at her website to get to know this strong mighty angelic warrior or go to AscendedHarmony.One to book a session or two.
Thank you again, dear Claudia.
With all my love,

P.S. Click here to regain more of your gifts.
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