Love Note from Daisy referring to the Soul Incarnate Personalized SSL Geometrical Codes that I did for her as part of my service to humanity, Earth and Multiverse family.
I am so, so grateful. Drawing and writing down Daisy’s codes transmitted to me via her higher identity self through mine was so much fun. Everything just fell into places and huge confirmations to her soul mission here.
As part of my mission is working on the Star Gates on all levels, teaching and sharing with her the deepest knowledge have been such tremendous complementary gifts to her and all her multidimensional self. This wisdom gave her the courage and confidence to proceed doing what she loves best: making essential oils in line with the 15 Star Gates. I call her work as “alchemising liquids with light”.
She sent me this testimonial before we further worked together with alchemy, numbers, body structures and more. I love sharing what I know and what I receive directly from my beloved higher identity selves. I am truly in full bliss with her biggest transformation.
Thank you for letting me be in your space, Daisy.

“Thank you so much Jenn. This is amazing. So much synchronicities.
I’d been seeing many pointed stars in my dreams and visions. I couldn’t really count the points of the star in dreams, but it all looks like white light pointed star. Also, both number of 12 and 13 are shown in my life in pairs, repetitively lately.
Also, I’d been seeing lots of 7, both in dreams and in visions, sometime, it’s 7, sometimes, 70, sometimes 700. When I saw 70 and 700 showed up in my dream, they are both in the form of one single paper bills, such as one single bill of $70 or one single bill of $700, and they both are in bright light green color frequency, with so much feeling of abundance and high vibrations.
It’s certainly quite amazing to hear it all those information from you too.
Also, it makes lot of sense that in those years, when I was using my (original) name more, the phase of my life felt more masculine; and those years when I used my name Daisy, there’re more feminine energy flows in my life. It is truly fascinating.
Thank you so much for those amazing messages and beautiful chart! I’m so grateful.
All those informations are so beautiful and amazing! 33 is one of the numbers been repeating too, I actually just noticed 333 frozen on my phone earlier today for quite a while too. 🙂
Thank you again so much for the amazing messages, each of them all felt so resonated with me on deep soul levels and all are so powerful activations too. 🙂
Thank you so much for everything! I’m so blessed and deeply grateful! 🙂
Much love,
Thank you so much, Daisy. Bless you now, before and forevermore.
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