(Note: I received a love letter from Viktoria on 6 October 2022 and only now able to share it as I finally managed to do some of our 3D paperwork. Below is my gratitude note to Viktoria. 💞 Jenn)
Love Note to Jenn
In July I came across a beautiful teacher, my family actually brought me to her. It turned out that my community was already working with that teacher.
I met Jenn George who actually gave me nurturing embrace and helped me understand everything that I was doing before is amazing and beautiful, but at the same time I can look deeper.
And not only I can look deeper, but I can also be confident in expressing that depth to the people, and I can share that easily and gracefully. And I am not crazy by having all these light language and light codes. This is actually leading me to where I am supposed to go and what I am supposed to do.
It was such a liberating moment for me, when I realized, yes, I’ve been doing that forever, I love doing that, I have beautiful tribe supporting me, I can actually share my gifts. And all those challenges which I’ve been having in my life, they were here not to destroy me, but to help me understand that I am actually walking my own talk, so that I can help those who have similar things, similar life, similar issues. Or who actually just vibe with me.
It was such an a-ha moment.
It is an amazing experience to start working together with my soul family, where we are supporting each other and helping each other grow. And Jenn gives us that love, care and wisdom, for us to become more confident and spread our wings.
Not only she shares a lot of gifts with us, but also she invites us to astral multidimensional travel. We go on missions… we work on interesting projects… we collaborate and support each other.
This summer, I created a new program 7-Chakras Healing Journey, which is an opportunity for me as creativity midwife to hold your space to anchor your creations in the physical reality, for you to be able to receive the vision of the Divine Source, then to remove the limiting beliefs, to check and refine your vision, activate your gifts and intuition and abilities, transmute the density, embrace emotional intelligence, call-in help and support, create tangible steps road map.
This is an amazing program which was channeled connected and transmitted from The Divine Source. I was walking my own talk, because this was exactly how I created it. This is a program I created from my heart space to bless mankind. To be able to be helpful, to be able to share my love with the world.
It is such a beautiful possibility.

Gratitude Note from Jenn
Viktoria Kshevinskaya is my July initiate of the Guardians of the Codes.
In July 2022, I started opening my sanctuary to more soul family and Viktoria was the last person to join before I closed the door for the month.
I invited Viktoria to have a chat and she received with gratitude. I listened to what she was sharing. When she was about done, I shared some knowledge about why she was experiencing what she was experiencing.
She was in a “battle field”; confused with all the information she received pertaining to spiritual ascension and awakening. She felt “trapped” among the “battle warriors”. I gave her a few tips to recover and regain her voice back. Without thinking, I took her under my wings.
Viktoria was a like a tiny bird, with broken wings that were not able to fly. I nurtured her to health with food of knowledge and wisdom. She worked hard to regain her strength and within a few weeks, she was up there flying.
She brought in her first harvest and finally able to invest the first session with me and the next one.
Viktoria is a fast learner, go-getter and has never contradicted my words or gone against any of us. Therefore, I let her speak the encouragements that were once came out of my mouth.
This is one of the great things that I love what I do. I tell them once and they take over to share with others so that I do not have to repeat myself. Viktoria is one of the Guardians of the Codes who is of great talents in empowering and motivating people.
She understands the structures of having many lifetimes with colourful or even darker experiences by being the “good guy” or the “bad guy”. Despite all the heaviness as she went through the inner work since July 2022, she managed to get out of them. If not, she always trusts where to go for a shoulder to lean on. That is how humbled she can be too.
Viktoria is a celestial warrior of the Seraphim family and our Guardians of the Codes’ first dragon warriors’ leader. Whenever I am on a mission or even during a session with another family member, I enjoy calling Viktoria and her warrior dragons to support us.
Of course, she is one of the first to march in front of everyone to go on a multidimensional mission or to assist us in a GOTC project.
Not only can she lead our warrior dragons and the multidimensional field work but she is also able to transmute energies into something beautiful with her other gifts and abilities.
Working with children, along with her funny, fun and sometimes serious expressions, is one of her many gifts as a human. Having a daughter of herself, she is able to learn more about children and at the same time, share her knowledge to them in bringing the joy to each of these gifted little humans.
Being a Guardian of the Codes, she works a lot with the dragons of the highest and purest frequencies. Therefore, she is called the “dragon mama” of her children by her beloved. She is that and many more. She makes me a very proud “bird” mama.
I, totally, recommend for any of you (readers) to get your children enrolled in Viktoria’s classes. Other than your children, you can also gain assistance and guidance from Viktoria. She works primarily with individuals who are in the process of awakening, either as beginners or have been in this situation for many years.
You can connect with her through her Be School Space online school.
Click here to read my introduction of our GOTC Initiates including Viktoria.
Click here to read about Be School Space as part of the GOTC.
Much love,

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