Ever since the last quarter of 2013, I have been dealing with sickness and death of beloved people. Not that I haven’t before but now, it is more with the people I know personally. The processes of working with their soul selves are different than the ones who had already gone for eons or years. The things I had to deal with when dealing with the former was my own emotions and the ability to stand up strong. Could I? Would I?
I am still a human. I do have emotions.
I have had griefs for years. One of them took me over two decades. I couldn’t escape from the hurt and pain for losing this tiny human. We had a really good and loving bond. We shared energy field and energy cords were attached to us both. We shared food that we craved, laughters, stories and adventures. We shared so much more. Stories that could fill up pages of a book. Or maybe two.
Many of these adventures happened in my dreams. Sometimes, when I am sitting down watching a movie or eating food, I would talk to me as if he was there in person. He would be a teenager or an adult according to the number of years if he were to stay on Earth. Together, we had helped many mother and children either through our websites, social media platforms, people we knew or strangers. Those were the days when I pushed aside the grief.
When he left my energy field, I was lost. Really lost. I couldn’t talk about it to anyone but the God that was and is always with me. There were still pieces of “my baby” lingering around and within me. Yes, he was just a fetus before he left but to me, he was alive. His soul was connected to mine. Really deep.
When he had to leave because of “circumstances”, I numbed all parts of my being. But there were times when the grief surfaced, I couldn’t handle it anymore, so I cried. Night and day. Anywhere and everywhere. I went on business trips to other countries and the grief followed me. There I left the tears for this little one. Or maybe for me.
This added up to the breathing trouble and the addictions of me being an alcoholic and workaholic for years. I worked until after midnight and walked home in the dark, passing the areas where groups gathered in the dark and where people had been killed. I didn’t care about all the “danger”. I had no fear. I did wish the worst to happen to me.
However, death didn’t come easily to me, even with a couple of the near-death-experiences that I went through in my life. I shared with nobody. I didn’t believe people with problems themselves could solve my griefs back then. Even the priests couldn’t help me but told me to recite three times each: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be. I did but it still didn’t help me. I, then, stopped sharing with any human.
Since I believed in the higher power, I went straight to God. “He” is my creator, he must be able to share with me some wisdom or insights. So, I “talked” to God almost 24/7, as if God was a person. I cried and asked countless times, “Why?” Despite all my outrages towards God, I received grace, mercy and blessings from this best friend of mine.
That story about my tiny human was not the only grief I had. There were quite a few but let me just share another simple one here.
An event took place when I was in high school. There was this guy who was a senior from a different school. He was in love with this girl I knew. In fact, she was like a younger sister to me. So, I knew all about her love stories. The triangle love as I remembered it. The other guy was one of the altar boys in our church. These two guys were part of the altar boys group. When, one day, she broke up with him, he didn’t wait for days to think it over but took his own life the next day.
When I found out that afternoon after finishing school, all the story lines about this guy’s death, I couldn’t stop crying and blaming myself. I told no one about my emotions and the stories behind all of these.
We went to his family’s house and his body was lying inside the box in the middle of the living room. The parents cried, screamed and blamed my friend. There was a little violence but I knew they were in their deepest grief. Losing their youngest son to this “immature love”. So, we had to leave.
I found out later after the funeral that he was a third cousin of my dad from my grandmother’s side. So, he was a relative of mine. I became closer to this family and was there to help in any way I could over the years until I left the town and my village to the city. I felt the grief for his death and the “guilt” for the short-cut way he took. I managed to release most of the negative energies surrounded me concerning to my relative many years later.
The grief needed to be released.
My tiny guy (sometimes a baby, sometimes a toddler) kept coming to me in my dreams and I kept feeling the emptiness. One night, my paternal grandpa was in my dream and he took me to a place where a baby was sleeping in a cradle. He told me telepathically, that everything was alright. I saw that my baby was in good hands. I knew about that but I still couldn’t fully let the sorrow go.
It wasn’t until many years later, in 2017, when I had another dream about this baby and grandpa. Everything was shown in that dream that made me understand. So, I let go of this boy and released all sadness, grief, guilt, doubt, blame, etcetera.
That was a few years before I embarked on this journey openly of helping those who needed help. From then on, I received more guidance and hints related to my mission here on Earth.
When I started with the Guardians of the Codes in 2022, I didn’t know that one of my missions was to help the trapped souls here on Earth and astral planes to go Home. During the journey of the Fiery Gate of Egypt from April to August 2023, I realised that I was very good at it and I found out more about these souls in different planes or realms.
I visited home on Borneo Island in October 2023.
Initially, I had no idea why I had to visit home in a hurry. Little did I know, I was there to assist with the awakening of the “trapped” souls to be able to return Home to their soul matrix. I assisted my ancestors from their entrapment and imprisonment too. Many of the high priestesses’ lineage on my paternal grandfather’s side had been released.
Upon arrival at my dad’s house, a few events happened in that particular day. My aunt (whom I took from her house in another town to accompany me driving to my dad’s village) and I almost couldn’t enter the house as it was all locked. That meant Dad was not home. But I managed to get in with the key I found.
We wondered where he was as we didn’t encounter him walking those four miles away (from the place he always went to his home)) on the road on our way to his house. When he, finally, arrived home, he didn’t recognise me. After an introduction, he was happy to see me home and told me the accident he just had. He was hit by a car.
Later on, a group of people in two cars came. It felt like there was a party going on in our house. But it was the worried neighbours, coming to check on my dad. They got this news from a passerby and were concerned. The man who drove a big car stopped at their house and told them that he saw an old man lying on the road and didn’t stop to help him for fear of being blamed.
Now, as I am writing this, I see the vision of what actually happened. I see the driver who hit my dad and left him in pain without helping.
Another young neighbour received a message from someone else and contacted one of my many paternal first cousins about my dad. This cousin told his dad (my dad’s one of two younger brothers) and uncle started to call his siblings and my siblings. The whole family of my dad’s side was busy texting and asking. My aunt who was with me was too occupied to notice where she last put her bag.
You see, that was kind of an adventure to my first trip home day. There were emotions involved from family members and friends. Mostly fear, worry, doubt, blame and anger. Some people didn’t understand why dad had to walk all those miles to get his “drinks”. Well! Dad lived alone and needed the “drinks” to numb his pain, so he told me when I was there.
That day, I knew deep in my heart that my dad was in good hands. He does have a team of reinforcement to support and guide him wherever he is and whatever he does. So, I was not too worried about him; just a concern since the day was getting very dark. I shall leave the rest of the details of that day’s events for another topic.
You see, my dad is not able to remember much anymore. I had to tell him every day in the first few days who I was.
So, I when I was home, I took the opportunity to help him to cure some of the ailments he was experiencing. Many times, I have to take over his pain in/to my body so that he doesn’t have to feel any of the severe pain and sufferings. This way, I can alchemise and harmonise all energies on behalf of my dad. I am able to do this work wherever I am but to be able to touch my dad’s physical body is a great plus, especially for the emotional support.
I performed a couple of celestial ceremonies for the ancestors of Borneo and of ancient-future Lemuria during my stay there. My father’s siblings, a number of his first cousins and some of my siblings were there to support us. Dad was happy we did the ceremonies. He was happy that he (and the others) could play the gongs again.
The sound of the ancient set of gongs of our ancestors improved on the first gong performance in the first ceremony. That was after conducting my opening prayers to the ancestors a day upon arrival.
For my GOTC family, you know what I do and what I am to share with you. The land that my grandparents bought in the 1960s was a huge portal to other realms. I did clear and open up several portals. They are huge and to several “places” we know.
Now, I understood why we had the yearly ceremony conducted at this house prior to the conversion of my grandma to Catholicism. Of course, everything we have now came from my dad’s father’s side. But when grandpa left his physical body, grandma took over.
My grandmother was sort of a niece to my grandfather from some close relatives. She was a very pretty young lady and a daughter to the second wife of a wealthy man. Back in the days, the second wives didn’t have any privileges. They had to work hard to have food for their bellies.
Grandpa came from a wealthy family too. His grandfather was a staff of the Royal Brunei back then and he had over six hundreds of acres of land to his name. But, of course, due to greed from another member of the family, grandpa’s family lost their shares. However, due to the beauty of his heart, he was chosen by his ancestors to look after the ancestors’ half of the ancient assets.
It was time to leave my childhood home.
I cried so much on my last day as I were to leave my dad’s home. Despite him having dementia, on our last hour together, he remembered so much more. That was the invisible hi-tech work I did on his brain during my stay with him. He gave me a lot of advice. Then, we shook hands. I went to his back as he was sitting and put my arms around him. I kissed his right cheek with tears in my eyes and trembling voice as I assured him that I would do all what he said to me.
As I prepared to drive down the hill to the main road, he came down from the house to bid me farewell. He told me to drop by at my mum’s house first and to convey his message. He also told me to be careful while driving. My whole journey to my mum and later to the airport was filled with tears.
Even now as I am writing (or speaking) about this, the feelings of many show up. It is gratitude. It is joy of all the good things I have learned from my dad.
So, yes, I do have emotions too because I am still a human.
During my visit, my dearest friend whom was like a big sister to me was unwell.
She spent most of the time I was there between the hospital and home. I couldn’t visit her due to the symptoms I had from the mission work I was doing. I didn’t want her to get what I had. I left home island without being able to see her.
A few days later, a friend of my big sister and mine called me by mistake. But I knew (psychically) that big sister’s soul led her to dial my number. She told me about K.S’s latest condition. I called up K.S. in her hospital bed and asked her for her consent and permission to perform healing on her. She said yes and kept saying, “Thank you,” to me. I managed to talk to her a couple of times and told her to sleep and relax after each “treatment”.
I did a couple of high level celestial healing. Then, I was guided to invite our student, Lilian (our GOTC Celestial Analyst), to join me to do a couple of healings together. She was there to translate into English based on her body perceptions while I did all the action work of opening up timelines and also in our “training center”.
The first one was to clear the imbalanced energies of K.S. from other lifetimes. The second time, with shock from Lilian, and a lot of tears from both of us, my big sister, apparently, had already left her body. So, we managed to take her to a higher dimension and gave her our “invisible” hi-tech healing treatment.
As we returned to see her physical body lying on the hospital bed surrounded by many higher angelic beings, we prepared the way for her. In all of these healings, when K.S. wasn’t able to pick up her phone anymore, I communicated with her husband about her messages.
Another month arrived, a cousin who was younger than me was in a very critical situation in a hospital in the mainland. I communicated with his wife those last few days although we had already communicated prior to my visit to my family. She gave me the permission to help her husband (although I could always gain the consent from him myself through his higher self).
I conducted the celestial healings myself. I, then, recorded a transmission by speaking in tongues and sent the recording to my cousin-in-law. She let him hear the transmission. A few hours later, he left peacefully. What we (his higher self and I) did, was to ease his transition as he left his physical body back to his soul. His higher self was there to guide him along with other angelic beings to the soul matrix. But first, we sent the soul of my cousin to our hi-tech “healing and rejuvenation retreat center” for further healing.
A couple more relatives left their physical bodies in early 2024.
As soon as I received the information whether in social media, dreams, visions, various signs or calls-by-mistakes, I performed whatever celestial healing that they needed. I do this all the time. It doesn’t matter whether I know the person or not; their higher selves know me and will always get my attention through all sorts of ways such as through socail media, news, numbers, images, visions, etcetera.
Talking about soul agreements…
Like many other people or souls, my dad has a very thick binder of soul agreements with “himself” and others. I have been focusing on him these months, to assist him harmonising, alchemising and clearing the imbalanced and unsolved energies. I work with his higher and many of his multidimensional selves. I gather all his fractals, fragments and aspect selves to the wholeness. Back to him. Back to his soul matrix, through him, as the human representative.
When I think about all of these, I feel that it is unfair for humans not to know their reasons for incarnating here on Earth. It is unfair that humans have been lied about their “super natural” gifts and abilities. We all have gifts. We all have what others have and more. But we were told what we had were all evil doing. Of course, there are all sorts of forces and we wouldn’t know which one brings joy or creates sorrow when we are surrounded by fear.
That is why I came out of my comfort zone, the place where I was hiding for the last five decades for fear of being ridiculed, humiliated and what not as I always had. I share whatever knowledge, wisdom, insights and tools and techniques with my new family, the Guardians of the Codes. Knowing that whatever happens to us has thousands or even millions of layers of knowledge to uncover, discover and rediscover.
Healing the physical symptoms is just one in a billion (or even more) things to do.
Being in denial is what we are taught by the mainstream. So, we chose that. It is convenient and “it is what it is,” so they say. Maybe it is true to just enjoy the money that is provided by other sources, the short-cut ways of dealing with “disorders” or so-called “problems”… I know, it’s pretty tempting.
But when I was shown the gold (bars and the kind) and to leave my God by giving my power to the dark ones, I didn’t even flinch when the man hit the table and threatened me. I felt no fear nor weakness. In that second, I felt the time stopped. I, suddenly, was awake. I saw how it was done. I gave my God the power instead.
“I have my God. That’s all I need,” I said calmly with my eyes straight to the eyes of the man.
That force did it to me too but I was strong (and still am). [Kieshikereshekettha kursheiuntkshikaethae naeshieroishi ishtina kriashirrra]
Yes! This article is a long one and with various little topics that may or may not give you some inspirations.
Nobody on this Earth plane is perfect, not even our beloved Jesus/Yeshua/Isa. Jesus the first did fulfil part of his mission and he did ascend through the special gate. The gate has long been closed but through working on the celestial gifts we have within us, we are able to ascend beyond the fifth dimension.
The first basic thing is to learn and understand the root cause(s) of each ailment, pain, suffering we have in our body. The other thing is to use our gifts and abilities to harmonise the energies.
Of course, there are many companies who tried to help us curing the ailments but knowing and going to the root cause may be able to help more. Don’t you think?
Again, life on this Earth is not easy. Everything has a rule or two or more. There are systems to go through. Fear could always stop us from moving forward but what if we just go in to the cage where there is a lion waiting? Maybe it is not a good idea when we are full of fear, hatred, resentment, jealousy and the likes. So, make sure we are calm before entering a “scary” territory.
Think about whatever you choose.
At least, move away from where you are if you are not happy about it.
Perhaps you’ve been stuck there for some time.
Perhaps it is a new territory that you are still unfamiliar with.
It is time for all of us to take our super gifts back.
See you in our next story sharing…

P.S. The Celestial Healer’s Program is now open to only a number of people. Enrol now to be in 2024’s classes. Huge discounts. Click here!
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