5ive months mission on The Fiery Gate of Egypt
Calling all cosmic family who remember the lifetimes in ancient Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Greece, Atlantis and other ancient civilizations. You have perhaps aspects of certain gods, goddesses, deities, pharaos, kings, queens, commoners or something else and you want to be released from all these entrapments and imprisonments.
In April 2023, we are starting our five months mission starting and ending in Egypt star gate. You will receive your remembrance and memories as you review your agreements from your soul library (akashic record) with ease. This program is valid anytime as it is a sort of journey from wherever and whenever you are “now”. Invest in this affordable program for more revealing discoveries of your soul mission and life purpose.
Get it now before the date. Limited seats available.
More prep work for the crew.
Monday at 2.00pm CET
on April 10 and 17, May, June, July & August 2023.
Hello fellow guardians of the codes…
The Fiery Gate of Egypt is a gate that you may remember of its grand gift once upon a time, “long” ago.
Egypt has been embedded in many a memory in many humans. It is one of many ancient civilisations that we get the privilege to learn more and perhaps travel or even live there.
The irony that many of its history had been wiped out from the populations of planet Earth had given many people the limited editions of the Earth’s knowledge. However, we are here to uncover many of the mysteries hidden from our naked eyes. With our returned gifts and abilities, it is time for us to have a lot of fun doing the “work” that we’ve “always” done according to our talents.
Hence, we have a fun program to get us moving from being a 3D human with so many unanswered questions to a better understanding why things happen in our lives.
April 2023
Week 1 Preparation for this whole mission
- Reviewing Egyptian lifetimes and timelines
- Post Atlantean holocaust healing of traumas
- Removing all kinds of self-destruction embedded within us
- Harmonizing the energies between masculinity and femininity
- Repairing the lower DNA strands, especially the codes within the 3rd strand caused during the Egyptian timelines
- And more…

April 2023
Week 2
- Meeting Egyptian selves retrieving gifts and abilities
- A visit to a special place within a pyramid
- Uncovering a certain mystery
- And more…
Keep a list of who have been in your life/thoughts.
May 2023
- We’ll be connecting with the ancient Sumer (Sumerian civilization)
- Uncover more mysteries
June 2023
- We’ll be connecting with the ancient Greece
- Uncover more mysteries
July 2023
- We’ll be connecting with another VERY ancient civilization, not on textbooks
- Uncover more mysteries
August 2023
- The Shooting Beam Mission
- Thank you for being here on this special mission
Q: Who are this program for?
A: This is a program to all ancient-future Egyptian lovers.
Q: Why do you charge very low for a huge work?
A: Simply because I know not many have the means to pay over couple of hundreds or a thousand dollars or euros. Secondly, I just wish that everyone enjoys what we are enjoying.
Q: Who are you?
A: I am just a human like you with many agreements prior to embarking on this planet Earth as a flesh and blood human. I am a nobody to Earth’s human hierarchy unlike many of you who had been gods, goddesses, kings, queens, philosophers or someone known to/by textbooks. I am here to take you on a fun ride in a magical realm. One of the pitstops will be on planet Earth in other timelines.
Q: I haven’t taken any one-on-one sessions with you yet. Can I still join?
A: Yes, of course. We’ll get your frequencies aligned so that you are able to return anytime. I’ll also add more gifts in the module.
Q: Is the program valid anytime?
A: Yes. I keep adding resources including “homework” to each program we have here. Once you are enrolled, you will keep receiving gifts and abilities and for most of you, you will get the answers to your life purpose and soul mission here.
I hope these answer some of your questions. See you soon.
For now, join us for unforgettable experiences.

P.S. If you haven’t got our Rebirth of the Fire to Muliphein and Sirius program, it is available for €21 until April 5, 2023. That’s the launching our GOTC Multiversity fee. After that, it shall go up a bit more. Click here >>
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