This month, February, we’ll see our relationships with ourselves and those around us. When we are sincere in achieving something, we’ll be able to succeed, as long as the intention is pure. When we intend to create a service that we believe can help others, we shall succeed, as long as we allow the inner guidance to lead.
We do have to do some intensive inner work. Challenges such as doubting our abilities and judging the methods may prevent us from succeeding because we have blocked the ways for both the inflows and outflows.
Inner work may sound harsh as you have to face the challenge or some call it “the demon”. Instead of avoiding it, you have to ask all the questions using the 5W and H. Find out about where and when did it start, who was involved, what was it about, why did it even happen and how to resolve this?
Ask all sorts of questions. Review those times. Emotions such as anger, sadness, doubt, grief may come up, let them. These are stored in your emotional body so you have to release them. Cry is one of the best tools to cleanse and release.
Each time as you go through this process of doing the inner work, you will develop a deeper meaning of a special relationship with yourself. This is an act of self-love. When you love yourself, you will let all the hidden traumas to appear and transform them into something kinder. Because they are energies.
We cannot destroy energy but we can transform it into something kinder. In fact, we can do our alchemy work like neutralizing the low energy and balance it with its opposite without actually using all the laboratory’s chemical stuff. To me, fear’s opposite is courage or brevity.
I like using ingredients and recipes as metaphors in our exciting life. For every teaspoon of fear, add a teaspoon of courage. Do this until each fear is dissolved together with courage. What you’ll get is faith.
GOTC Alchemy Recipe 1: Add one teaspoon of fear into one teaspoon of courage in a bowl of balance. Wait for them to alchemize. The result is faith.
1 tsp of fear + 1 tsp of courage = faith

That is one way to transform all negativities and traumas.
Therefore, in order to have sincere relationships with someone, you start it with yourself first. Work on the hurt, pain and suffering that you have endured before. Release them to be transformed into something more neutral. Then, from there, you have to nurture them daily. Talk to them or better yet, write a friendship contract. I would go with faith first because faith is the mixture of fear and brevity.
Much love,
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