River Blessing: Every time you go out of your house, it is a field work
Part 1
I’ve been living in Bali for more than 7 years. I live in the middle of the jungle, so even if I do not go anywhere, I am always surrounded by nature. This lifestyle I have chosen made me look deeper into the connection with Mother Nature, into how deeply we are intertwined, and how much everything that is happening outside is a reflection of what is inside.
There is always something happening. Sometimes we can meet some wild animal, like a giant lizard or a snake, sometimes my cats and dogs can kill a bird, sometimes a huge moth comes for a visit, sometimes a huge amount of termites comes on the sunset time for the light and then they can be very dramatically devoured by the lizards, and then next day the cats eat those lizards. It can be huge, it can be quite settle, but it is always different.
Last week my daughter had an emotional breakdown about the fact, that her father (we are separated, but he lives in Bali now as well) is always busy with his work and not able to give her neither quality nor quantity time. When I was holding her space, she released a lot of stuck emotions from her system. As I am working with that professionally, I had this awareness of how to alchemize it and transform it. It was a powerful experience of emotional purification for her, which helped her to return back into the heart, transform the judgement and activate deeper level of understanding.
Little did I know, that in the next few day, she would be even more upgraded.
First she had to face the death and non-attachment. The cat attacked a dove, she rescued it, kept it in a box, but the cat stole it again, she fought for it’s life, the baby dove had so many inner injuries, that she didn’t survive. It was probably the first time she got to hold the baby bird and she was strongly willing to help and support. On the other hand she also had to address the anger. The anger for the cats and dogs that she was experiencing during those moments.
That night she couldn’t sleep. She was crying, processing and releasing. We had a lot of deep talks about emotional attachment we experience and why non-attachment is necessary, while healing someone.
After that we had a river experience. And that was the final exam to test what we have learnt.
By the way, Polina has accomplished my StarSeed Kids program, so she is aware of how the energy works, what are the entities, how to balance and harmonize the energies, where fear is rooted and all that.
We went to a beautiful river in Ubud, Bali. We were there before, but just a few times. It is very close to the town, but like a hidden gem. Although there is some peculiarity about this place.
I am sure you know, every place has a different energy, moreover it is always different also. When you develop your sensitivity, you can notice, what is your own true feeling and which thoughts are given to you from the field.
Let me give you a few examples, so that you understand, what I am talking about.
When we got to the river, although it was quite calm in the beginning, both of us started having some fears and weird thoughts. Just so that you understand, my daughter is a wild jungle kid, she loves being barefoot all the time, and the day before she was begging me to give her a pet-snake.
In that place, despite all the physical beauty she suddenly started feeling scared of the water, of the possible fish, plants etc. There was a couple of other people, I left my bag on the stone and I suddenly started having thoughts of what if those people steal something from that bag of mine. When I realized it – wait a minute – I did not take anything with me, that I should worry about – moreover I am safe from within.
I realized that those are spirits playing with us.
And then we started anchoring down the Highest and Purest Frequencies.
What I mean by that is the following. The spirits in such places are the trapped souls, hungry ghosts if you might. They got stuck there between the realms. They have no bodies and know nothing better than entertain themselves through connecting to people and playing around. I have enough awareness to understand that now, but there were other times of my life, when I had no idea what was happening.
I set up the protective field, invited my reinforcement team, Divine Support Team, as I call them, the highest and purest frequencies celestial dragons, unicorn, pegasus, cats and dogs, snakes and other beings. We asked the entities and beings if they want to be released. We started making noises and sounds. My dogs were freaking out. We started barking until they understood that there is nothing to be scared of.
I released the souls. When I do that, as guided by Jenn George, my mentor from Guardians of the Codes, I do not send the souls back to the Source anymore, as they lose all the experience they had. Instead I share love and compassion with them, I show them joy and happiness, I send them to the galactic retreat centers to heal and rejuvenate and start serving the humanity for the good of all.
We spent there many hours. My daughter was playing by the river, I was reading my book. Suddenly the river brought a lot flowers, it seems someone made offerings somewhere higher on the river. It was interesting to watch it. Out of nowhere your feet are covered with colorful flowers.
This area had no good phone reception, when my partner managed to connect with me and I shared where we were, he told me to be careful, as this type of rivers is prone to flash floods, meaning if there is a strong rain the water level increases tremendously and very quickly. I shared that with my daughter and we realized, that yes, these stones we were sitting upon last few hours go underwater sometimes.
What do you think? Suddenly it becomes dark and the rain is starting.
We pack our stuff and start walking out of the canyon.
There actually are two ways out of the river. Recently some balinese people, quite greedy ones, I suppose, set up a chair and decided that from now on they are going to make a lot of money from the tourists who have discovered this location. They built some sort of steps, although they did not do a good job, they put roof tiles, which were quite slippery, and put some shaky sticks here and there to imitate banisters.
When we came to the river in the morning, the ticket guy was probably still sleeping elsewhere, we checked those shaky steps and decided to use the other way down. That other way is a bit further, it is natural, meaning there is grass around the trail. And it seemed as no one was walking there for a while, the steps were very wild. We used them to go down.
On the way back we decided to try to use, as we thought, better steps, as the rain was starting already. To do that we had to go a bit further down the river.

While we were walking, Polina suddenly started panicking.
What if the water goes up very quickly? What if we slip and fall down?
We are gonna die…….
Cancel. Clear. Delete.
We rushed up.
We walked further towards those “organized” steps. Now that I am typing this, my Internet is going in and out and I know, someone is trying to stop me from sharing this with you.
I turned around, wow I haven’t been to this place. What? Oh… there are many more souls here over the turn and here is “the boss”. I turn to Polina – she is screaming, now she can see them too.
We rush up the steps. Polina is getting angry and annoyed with those who built the steps, the rain is getting stronger and stronger. Polina is panicking. She is really scared and annoyed. “Why would they build the steps just to charge for the ticket, if the steps are so bag, you can’t even walk safely”.
The place we left our bike at was facing down the hill, on the turn. So turning around with my motorbike, having a child and two dogs is quite an adventure on it’s on, and in heavy rain it is close to impossible. My daughter is getting hysterical. The dogs are picking it up from her. We need to turn around and go uphill. She is screaming, the dogs are pulling the bike elsewhere.
I will continue the story in the next chapter.
Stay tuned.
Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Founder of BE School Space
P.S. Viktoria is a loyal guardian of the codes family. I trust her with all my heart for her sincerity to assist all in their journeys with such a loving and compassionate heart. She has the best support from all the divine team and YOURs team. That is why you are here reading her beautiful article. Would you give yourself a really beautiful gift to let Viktoria to lead you in the System Reset? Please read more here. 💞Jenn 1April.
Thank you so much for receiving me.
I love you so dearly. It’s been life-changing when I was blessed with meeting Jenn.
She is helping me not only to harmonize my life and business, but also to feel valued, accepted and supported through the loving touch of guidance and direction.
If you decide to work with Jenn whether it is a mission work, 1-on-1 or a single class, your life will never be the same.
Thank you for sharing V the beautiful story with Polina and also sharing the beautiful and authentic place in Bali. I have been to Bali once and the spirit energy was extremely strong, It was 5 years ago and I was not awakened yet. Now I could reflect back and I could actually feel in my body… Thank you for bringing your light to that potent land. I love your writing as always. I have also completed your System Reset and I had a beautiful experience.