ONLY €21 per person
(before 19 March 2023)
Event Date: 21.03.2023 via online Zoom Meeting
Time: 2.00PM CEST | 1.00PM BST | 6.00AM PST | 9.00AM EST | 9.00PM MYT |
Australia: 22.03.2023 at 12.00AM AEST
At least 2 hours…
Faeries/fairies, elven/elves, pixies, sylphs, dwarfs, gnomes, naiads, wyverns, salamanders…
It’s time to get reacquainted with your Nature Elemental Selves.
This time, we’ll reconnect with them in Muliphein, one of the stars not too far away from the bright stars, Sirius,
within the Canis Major Constellation. A magical realm that we visit in our dreams.
You’ll meet your elemental being selves, other magical beings and your family.
You’ll be united with all the fauna, flora and animal beings.
You will experience the cleansing and purification poured on each cell of the systems in your body.
From here, we’ll take you to enjoy the threefold ETG (Earth-Tara-Gaia) where you’ll experience
the highest and purest frequencies that we are bringing in and anchoring your codes down for the highest good of all.
Join us for a profound experience of a deep healing within you, reuniting with your multidimensional selves, soul fractals and fragments and reviewing your soul vows to yourselves and each other so that you can further evolve throughout time, space, matter and anti-matter.
Everything is done in such a magical way that will bring the butterflies fluttering in your stomach with affection and gratitude.
Why Rebirth of the Fire?
Aries season is starting, meaning new cycle, new year, new beginning. A rebirth. The best time to “launch” our GOTC Multiversity.
Click here for the preview the content of this module.
What are the contents of this class?
- Getting ready before setting out
- Journeying to Muliphein
- Meeting your Nature Elemental Being Self/Selves
- Reviewing your vows you made with yourselves and others
- Cleansing and purifying of all layers of your bodies
- Integrating of your codes that are floating around you
- Activating your multidimensional languages
- Learning more about Muliphein
- Receiving a Nature Elemental blessing from Kyle T
- And more…
Who will be involved in this class?
- Your highest multidimensional selves
- Your other multidimensional selves
- Your soul fractals and fragments
- Your ancestors and descendants
- Your nature elemental being self/selves including the rest of the magical beings
- Your magical being selves
- Someone special from the highest realm where you’ll meet in the threefold Earth-Tara-Gaia
- All the Guardians of the Codes from all realms
- And more…
Why would you enrol for the class?
- Getting unstuck from where you were/are so you can move forward with joy, happiness and confidence
- Releasing all limiting beliefs
- Starting to trust that there are indeed beautiful beings that you met as a child or in your dreams
- Acknowledging that you are indeed gifted and talented
- Gaining an opportunity to join our GOTC family to rejoice and celebrate of each reviewed vow
- And more…
Enroll now for our new class to Muliphein, Canis Major Gamma.
Investment fee: €21.00 (per person per enrol)
Click here to purchase the program now for €21
We’ll send you the Zoom link upon receiving your contribution.
Please send us an email with your proof of payment if you haven’t received the link yet.
This class is part of our GOTC Multiversity curriculum.
Hosted by: Jenn of Guardians of the Codes
I am so excited for this event! Thank you Jenn for the amazing invitation!
Yay! I can’t wait! Thank you Jenn for making this event super possible with the cost being affordable for all to join. Can’t wait!! 🤩