Jenn’s Message
I received a few testimonials from Kyle Turner and I’ve included 3 of them here as a case study for our GOTC Multiversity.
Kyle is one of our first GOTC family members. He joined in July 2022 and is still rolling on the boat with us with an unknown course of directions. As being in the middle of a vast ocean is quite an adventure, without knowing the situation beneath the calm water, and the surprising nature elements such as winds and storms. So, for Kyle and many of our GOTC family, this is what we go through. However, each time we passed a storm, there would be a calm day waiting for us the next day. And sometimes, we see a new island beyond us and we get excited, even if it’s not our final destination. At least, we get to rest in a new place. This is what Kyle is sharing about. He has many rebirths and well, who hasn’t, right?
I hope you enjoy listening to Kyle’s sharing. I’ve added several of his codes and paintings to infuse you of his great love. Kyle is truly a loving, compassionate, amazing, gifted and talented man. Thank you.
Testimonial No. 1
This is my testimonial on my whole journey with guardians of the codes.
This has been such an incredible journey thus far as joining just over a year ago. So, with Guardians of the codes, It has helped me in coming back home to myself, my body, my personal energy, of knowing myself. And to build that relationship with the self. And harmonizing a lot of beautiful energies from past lives, from past, from journeying as myself in this human vessel on this earth, bringing all my essences, aspects, levels, layers multidimensional selves. It’s just been a beautiful way of coming back home to the heart, that heart of remembrance of who I truly AM, and harmonizing those energies from all the different lifetimes and gaining my gifts and remembering those gifts and bringing them to the physical reality to help bring others home as well.
So, it’s just been such a beautiful journey and immense healings and it’s created a permanent change in transformation. And that deep personal work each and every day and. It’s so important and coming back home to your vessel, your being to who you truly are at your core, at your root. With guardians of the codes, it’s getting to the root cause and Jenn, who has created guardians of the codes and bringing us back home has fully taught me and getting back home to the root to the root cause of things of why things are affecting us on our physical plane, physical reality.
Jenn helps to see those blind spots for us. She helps us and leaving those bread crumbs for us. Jenn holds space for us and helping us to come back home to ourselves and finding out things for ourselves as well, because when we’re able to experience it through ourselves in our journey, Jenn always holds that beautiful space around us and comforts us and supports us. But, we do have to do the work ourselves, right? But Jenn has always been there and always hand in hand, heart to heart, always leading me back home. But it’s up to us to do the work and to do the healing and the discovering and the learnings. And I just love how Jenn works in that way of Jen helping us to remember ourselves, you know?
And she’s always there to uplift and to inspire, encourage, motivate. And when I do find that I get at my lowest or energies, I draw my codes and Jenn has helped in bringing that creativity to life, and I do draw my codes to process and to release and to alchemize and to heal and to integrate all those beautiful energies of that remembrance of past lives. Harmonizing has been such a huge significance for me to harmonizing… It’s like feeling it, not suppressing what’s coming up. But allowing yourself to process through it in a natural way, organic way, without having that suppression being there.
So, it’s like Jenn helps to bring everything up to the surface to be fully realized so that we can live that life of freedom and expansion. And the support within Guardians of the code has been immensely beautiful in bringing that remembrance of soul family and connectedness and oneness and unity, and we all work together and hand in hand heart to heart support each other. It’s very nurturing and nourishing. And very safret, safe secret space. That’s the key of just feeling so safe, and the guardians of the code and Jenn helps me to feel so safe in the most beautiful way.
And so any of the new guardians of the codes and the new Soul family that are joining us, is just. This journey of coming back home to yourself, you’re being your body, your heart, it’s the most beautiful experience and journey that you’re ever going to experience. You get to know more and more of yourself and to rediscover each and every day. Learn new things to just be one with that love and that magic of who you are and all your extensions and expressions of that love.
With the Fiery Gate of Egypt, it was a beautiful five-month journey of really getting to beautiful transformation and rebirth and regrowth, renewal and transformation, rediscovery, and has been so impactful in building my confidence. And a deeper relationship with myself, which in turn helps relationships all around me. So, when you get to the core root of things, it helps in every layer of level of your life.
And it just has that harmonious peace and balance, which is that permanent change which is what we want in that remembrance, right? Of living that life of walking with the heart wide open. And guiding others, leading others back home to their heart, to their being. So, this this journey, this past year has just been phenomenal and it’s been everything that I’ve been wanting to experience in my life so. Welcome home. And allowing your heart to live, that heart of magic, joy, passion, creativity, wonderment, and love and expression and just fully stepping into your purpose and passion. With your heart wide open.
Testimonial No. 2
This is my testimonial experience on coming back home to like, the heart of creativity and talents, gifts allowing everything to flourish. So with Guardians of the code with Jenn and the guardians of the codes Soul family, it has been an absolute inspiration of bringing creativity and artistry together in that oneness of allowing the heart, the soul to express through like the healing codes and light language which has been my absolutely, absolute joy in allowing that magic to flourish.
So, with the light language, it’s like this language of the heart, of the soul, like medicine, so that, the mind doesn’t get in the way that the, the heart knows, so it’s the heart expressing and then through drawing of the code, it’s that beautiful reflection of the heart of using your heart and your joy and the magic that you are on paper.
So, it’s been so profound for me as drawing a code, every day and anything, anytime I’m processing through step of going through step, I feel it, process it, let it go and then I draw code to help integrate the new energies. So, it’s like quantum light speed healing of bringing everything into harmony into balance and it’s as if the creativity becomes like life on paper as…
Now, when I draw it’s like, feeling that healing love that, that that drawing emanates from and it just brings me so much fulfillment and I get so excited to create and to draw. It’s now bringing that into my natural form of artistry by bringing in the GOTC essence and that remembrance of the magic of myself and my aspects, layers, levels and multidimensional selves as well.
So, for me it’s like really connecting to my nature being selves and the fairies and the elementals. So, with the codes and the light language has helped to fully bring that into full realization and into the physical reality of the magic that it’s real.
And yeah, just bringing me so much connectedness. And I really feel home and home within the guardians of the codes and just fulfilling that responsibility and that mission and that duty and the purpose of getting into my root, my truth, my being each and every day and always coming back home to my body and my being.
And even when there’s hurdles or little bumps along the way, it’s always just remembering. And for me it’s just always placing that hand on the heart and just remembering everything that Jenn has infused with the energy around us and within us of always coming back home to who you truly are, of not allowing any distractions to take you off your path. It’s just your body is your safe haven, your home. And it’s that, that nature way of being.
With the guardians of the codes, it’s that extension of the oneness that we are as we’re all connected in that unity and that oneness in the soul family. So, it’s just always feeling supported, safe out, allowing your voice to be heard, express, witness, seen. And it’s the most beautiful gift and there’s been so much magic within the past year, and it’s like real and permanent transformation and just looking forward to just continuing on my journey with the guardians of the codes and Jenn.
It’s just every day is a gift and a blessing, and Jenn just helps us to open up those gifts each and every day. And there’s so much gratitude to Jenn and the Guardians of the codes, and yes, and just letting the magic begin for you in that journey home to your heart. And it’s such a beautiful place to be. So, sending you all so much love and many infinite blessings.
Testimonial No. 3
I’m Kyle Turner, and this is my mega rebirth testimonial.
Journeying with the guardians of the codes with the founder Jenn George has been absolutely phenomenal as in everything coming into alignment, especially tonight of my mega rebirth. And there’s been a lot of rebirths in my journey with the GOTC this past year. But this rebirth has topped them all as in with the remembrance.
Every time when we connect as a soul family, it brings back more and more of those soul fractals, soul fragments and the confidence, and that love, and the support and the nurturance, to be seen, felt, expressed, witnessed, held, all of that beauty, all of the support that people long for and desire. And to live that reality within the sacred container of the GOTC and the soul family has been what my heart and soul has been searching for, longing for, for my whole life, in truth.
With doing the work, showing up, healing but allowing everything to be released that wasn’t for my highest and greatest good, to rediscover, to uncover, to basically start fresh and the truth of everything and getting to the depth of everything and not being afraid to know, to let things go, to release, to surrender, to come back home to my body, to my heart, to my being, to my vessel, to that love within, to then express that out through the whole soul family, within the GOTC is the greatest gift and the blessing that I have ever experienced in this, on this timeline, lifetime, this whole Earth school experience.
So, through my journey, it’s like I want people to experience that what it feels like to come back home to yourself, your body, the purity that you are, to not allow things to taint that purity, to manipulate, to distort.
With the guardians of the codes, it holds that pure essence of remembering your pure essence of all that you are, and all the extensions and essence, essences of you in those lifetimes and just bringing everything into alignment to harmony, to balance.
You know, I’ve done a lot of healing through my journey and, but I’ve never received the purity healing of what I received within the GOTC. That is like the ultimate healing. And just having compassion for myself, of journeying of all that I had to journey through to get me to the guardians of the codes, the GOTC, which Jenn George and this soul family. But I wouldn’t change that for the world because what I have received now has been… That life that I feel of truly living of fulfillment, knowing that there’s, there’s always healing. And I mean, we’re always going to heal up until the day that we transition, there’s always something, right? And we’re always going to be triggered.
But with Guardians of the codes, you receive the permanent transformation, that permanent healing, the permanent change that lasts, and it supports you in all areas and levels of your life. And you just live that life that you’ve always dreamed of living and having and receiving, and you fully, fully know what giving and receiving feels like. It is that extension, that expression of God, Source, the creator, the universe, all that is, truly being here on Earth within that beautiful nurturance and that sanctuary and the safe haven of guardians of the codes.
So welcome home. Allow yourself to trust. Trust the process. And having the most compassion for yourself. And we’re here for you, supporting you. And Jenn’s here for you and the soul family from the GOTC are all here for you. We all welcome you home without any judgements and just welcoming you with that pure love. And sending you all so much love. Many blessings.

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