(Note: I received a love letter from Kyle on 20 August 2022 but it was buried among the rest of the emails. When his latest love letter came, I found a drafted article I wrote about Kyle in the draft folder. I am so proud of our Kyle and please read my gratitude note to him below too. 💕 Jenn)
Love letter from Kyle (7 October 2022)
Dear Jenn,
I would like to thank you for holding sacred space as I journeyed back to my heart of remembrance.
Thank you for all of your nurturing, comforting, nourishing support and love. In letting go of everything that I was not, through old stories, and programming, to then have received the real spiritual truths and tools! This is my hearts liberation!
I fully received who I fully am, in full beautiful truth, with a heart full of hope, inspiration, bliss, wonder, joy, awe and magic! I am eternally grateful, thankful and Blessed!
With the depths within all of my heart! I Thank you!
With much love! Many Infinite Blessings.
Kyle Turner
Kyle Turner ‘s full update (20 August 2022)
Jenn, I want to update you on everything!!!
My L♡VE letter.
It has been a beautiful journey back to my heart the past 2 months, there was a lot of resistance with me at first because it was the fear of the unknown and I knew deep down inside that profound shifts were waiting for me to receive.
I couldn’t fully receive in the way that I needed to, at that moment, but I knew I had to have compassion and go deeper within to get to know myself fully and fall back in L♡VE with myself!
That day has finally arrived today! I have been traveling to sacred sites in nature within my city, honouring the land, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Gaia and her creations. I could feel the gentle humming of Mother Gaia’s heartbeat.
I had an experience at work where I passed out from hitting my thumb in a drawer. There was a deeper meaning to all of this, as I was previously connecting to the Ancestors of the land and Indigenous people.
The paramedic was Indigenous and he told me he is a Shamanic practitioner, that he helps people in the background. He was helping me. I saw an Eagle Spirit fly over me and everything changed after this moment! I had a deeper connection to everyone and everything!
I changed my group name in the Sacred Heart Valley to Gaia’s Heart Temple. I did meditations connecting to Gaia. I’ve been connecting with Lilian almost everyday for us to anchor Earth healing codes through me guiding journeys with my Light Language once I get activated. We then draw to anchor codes. We receive from one another and co~create most beautifully.
So much joy has returned to me! I am stronger, more empowered, confident. I’ve been putting into practice everything that you have taught me, as well as with what Lilian has taught me.
Very joy filled! Very grateful, thankful and Blessed!
I’ve been creating offers of my NatureElementalArts program, Light Language program, connecting to animal Spirit guides, meditations, art therapy. Everything is in alignment very beautifully. I’ve completely did a 360 shift!
It’s been a daily commitment and dedication. I am honoured to be of service with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Gaia.

My Gratitude Note to Kyle
Kyle Turner became Guardians of the Codes’ Initiate in July 2022 when he decided to take a session with me.
Kyle is, currently, my only male initiate at the GOTC.
During our first chat (which was equal to the current pre-session that took longer than usual), I told him certain things that shocked him. I was “aware” of his situation at that time and gave him more information about certain imposters that blinded him. It took him down a rabbit hole for a couple of weeks.
Inner work started as soon as he connected with me over Zoom. From the gifts (of the highest and purest frequencies) I gave him, all the debris within and around him were cleared and cleansed within this time period he was purging.
When he returned for our first session, he was almost a new person. I took him to meet his highest self of Lyra Constellation and his other multidimensional selves to show him who he truly was.
I let him journeyed with me to other time, space and matter to find out more about him. Kyle was so amazed and in awe of all his multidimensional experiences. He was gifted with beautiful gifts with wisdom not only on this first session but the rest too.
I observed him from the day he walked in to our sanctuary until now. The transformation of him unfolding into a beautiful man gives me the constant smile on my face as my heart spreads towards all our GOTC Initiates.
Kyle is able to travel multidimensionally to gain information about the person, people or place(s) he connects with/to. He is also able to read someone’s energetic fields and gives more clarification to those who come to him.
He is a very talented artist. His arts are through the transmission from his clients’ highest self to his highest self to him. So, if you are intrigued of what your highest self has for you, I suggest you contact Kyle right away.
Not only is Kyle an artist, he is also able to clear the lower and dense energies within and around you. Through his laser (third) eye, he is able to scan and see what’s crawling inside of your body or any unnecessary debris to be removed or transformed.
Have I mentioned that Kyle is also able to spin 360 degrees like a tornado to clear spaces with lower density energy? Yes, he can. It was one of the gifts I gifted him as a GOTC Initiate. He needs that for his work with Mother Nature and as one of the guardians of the Earth.
Kyle works alongside Lilian Hii and Daisy Du in managing Sacred Heart Valley (SHV). Under SHV, he has his own community called Gaia’s Heart Temple.
I am so proud of Kyle for his heart expansion and acceleration in such a short time. He has a huge heart to be the representative of all males here on Earth to harmonise the masculine and feminine energies within as one androgyny energy.
I, heartfully, recommend Kyle to assist you in your spiritual journey.
Please click here to read my introduction of Kyle and the rest of the GOTC Initiates.
Please click here to go to his website to learn more of his service offerings.
Please click here to read more about Sacred Heart Valley.
Much love,

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