With my most profound honour and gratitude, I, Jenn George from Guardians of the Codes (GOTC) would like to share this great news with you.
With effect from 1 January 2024, Lilian Hii is joining GOTC Representative (Jenn George) as a GOTC Celestial Analyst.
GOTC Celestial Analyst is a short form of GOTC Advanced Scientific Celestial Analyst (GOTC ASCA) in which Lilian is currently a GOTC ASCA advanced level student of GOTC Multiversity – advancing her knowledge, skills and wisdom in multidimensional realms that also emphasises the third dimensional realm.
Lilian was the first GOTC client in April when GOTC went online. She was registered on 22 April 2022 with a customer ID. Later, she was one of the first of three GOTC Initiates getting private sessions with me in June 2022.
Since then, she hasn’t stopped investing in her personal growth and soul expansion with me. Per our record, she has invested a total of 51 of 1.5-hour sessions with me (exclusive the free sessions) in one-and-a-half (1.5) years. That made a total of 76.5 hours or 4,590 minutes (= 9) private sessions that did not include her personal explorations, studies and researches.
She has been, diligently, committing and dedicating her time, energy and money with GOTC for one (1) year and eight (8) months (up to 22 December 2023). Her drive to succeed is measured by her consistency in observing and submitting her reports to me by learning, growing and expanding her physical existence and soul evolution.
Therefore, in December 2023, we have promoted her straight to the advanced level study of our new program Advanced Scientific Celestial Analyst or ASCA in short.
Like many of us, Lilian is both a student and a guide within the GOTC family. Please join us to celebrate this newly quantum emergence’s leaping success towards 2024 and beyond.
Thank you.
With love,

P.S. I’m truly grateful to each of you, GOTC family. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It is truly honoured and grateFULL to be deeply involve and evolve in GOTC & GOTCM. Your nurturing, care and laughter make the journey fun and SES. Thank you so much for the love, nurture and care along the journey with me and many MEs.
I am excited for Year 2024 for (ME).2
With Love,
Yay! Thank you to you too, Lilian. Enjoy the rides…