My name is Catherine Ong. I am honored to share my Divine Gifts with you through Light Language.
I am a Restoration Master and a Master Designer (Biology/Botany) according to my soul blueprint.
I am a Light Language Activator, Cosmic Quantum Healer, Psychic Surgeon, Alchemist and a Registered Nurse. It is through my nursing that I would understand the human body, different diseases and illnesses and later on would integrate this knowledge in healing a being.
It is through spirituality that I have realized that we are much more than a physical body.
We also have the emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies. We cannot simply heal the physical aspect but we also have to heal the other aspects of ourselves. I strive to do a wHOLIstic approach which I offer through a Body, Mind and Soul Alignment.
I am a sharing a post that I have done in the past describing the beginning of my spiritual journey and my path to healing.
My Awakening
It was 3 years ago when I embarked on a journey to a faraway land foreign to me. There was no fear…only excitement. It was a calling. It was a reunion.
I was there to be presented with beautiful gifts none other by Lord Shiva himself. I felt his presence before coming to India. This cool breeze came over me one day and then there was this sweet, fragrant aroma of unknown flowers that stayed in my room for three days.
There was no one else in the room but me and I had been bedridden from a stomach flu. He heard my plea for healing and in an instant, all the discomfort in my body went away and what was left was the sweet scent of flowers. It was my deciding moment to make a trip to be with him.
Little did I know that he had more for me to receive. Under the Shiva Linga where I took a sacred bath I felt my crown chakra opened up.
That same day during meditation I felt like I almost reached enlightenment if the music did not stop playing. I was in ecstasy. I was in bliss. It was surreal. It was nothing I had imagined before.
In the next few days, I would be activated in my gifts. There was no regrets. It was perfect. It was beautiful. Truly life-changing.
A new path opened up…. and here I am in this path of healing.
I’m a:
- Light Language Activator
- Psychic Surgeon
- Cosmic Quantum Healer and Alchemist
My offerings:
- Body, Mind & Soul Alignment (Psychic Surgery)
- Deconstructing Session (Powerful cord-cutting/releasing entities/attachments; revoking contracts; collapsing Akashik records/timelines/trajectories; releasing old patterns & programming; inner child healing)
- Third Eye Activation and Psychic Senses Enhancement
- Complete 12 Chakra Clearing, Realignment and Upgrading
- Angelic Healing, Attunement, Embodiment and Wings Activation with the Seraphims
- Throat Chakra Clearing & Soul Dialect Activation
Message me on Facebook to book your session via zoom.
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