Hello family,
How have you been doing? I wish you are happy and content with your current life. I say content because I know that not everyone has the perfect life as it used to in other realms with different kind of “reality”.
No matter where you are right now, you have the right to feel peaceful. Peace is a word that is so common to us but not everyone has truly experienced the true feeling of being in the peaceful state.
When you are in this state, nothing makes you feel low anymore. All you feel is a very profound experience of calm and serene moment. I speak of this based on my experience in 2016 when I was back home to North Borneo on Borneo Island.
My life had always been chaotic. My mind supplied all kinds of lower thought forms to me. Daily. Day and night. I slept with negative thoughts about me, about the past, about other people and about the actions I took, verbally, mentally and physically.
After a strange event that happened within the maternal family (aunties, uncles and cousins included), it opened my eyes about the dominant force of the fear-supplier, I decided to visit a relative from my father’s side who was a Catholic nun.
As I arrived at the convent, I was taken to my temporary tiny abode with two bedrooms. Little did I know, I went there for a personal retreat; I thought I was visiting my relative. This place was in the middle of nowhere on the Crocker Range in Sabah (mountainous area). Internet connection definitely was zero. I was really unhappy about that as I couldn’t get in touch with the world, so I thought.
But as the night passed and I woke up at dawn to join their dawn meditation and prayers, I felt equipped. Those couple of days spending time meditating with the nuns, communing with the nature and having a couple of sharing my heart out to my dad’s cousin, gave me the “pills” I didn’t know I needed. I was healed just by being with the nature and with myself. It was totally a new experience for me as I was used to being super busy and always surrounded by people. I went back to the city with joy and fulfilment.
Back to the busy traffic in the city, I didn’t feel all the stress I used to feel before having my personal retreat with the nuns. No quick heartbeats. No headaches. No talking to self with anger reaction towards the other drivers. Nothing. Just peace. I noticed the difference and laughed. I did have a quick reflection in that moment.
I thanked God and my angels for all the divine gifts that they had shared with me during my third trip in 2016 to my home country. That also included the getting myself back up when another cousin of my mother mocked and bullied me for being faithful to my God. He knocked on the table shouting to me that I “should” go back home and earn more money with the gold on “his” land. That’s another story of my maternal family’s background.
That was also the reason I decided to visit my dad’s relative. I didn’t want anybody to take away my relationship with my God. God was the only one I talked to all these years. It was not always sweet and loving but the real talk to God like, “Why did you let me experience all of that? Did you do this to me on purpose?”
Oh yeah, I was too comfortable with my best friend because ‘He’ was the only one whom I trusted. I knew ‘He’ wouldn’t judge me and ‘He’ didn’t have the worldly problems to handle.
Anyway, back to the topic about peace. Once you have felt it, you’ll recognize the feeling. And each time you are in that peaceful state, you’ll feel as if it was the first experience you have had. That’s my experience thus far.
Some of our guardians of the code’s family do experience this after they complete with a cycle of cleansing, clearing and purging the toxins in their physical bodies, etheric, emotional and mental bodies and also energetic fields. The purification and regeneration processes take a while because the healing treatment is done not only for themselves but also their other aspects from multiple lifetimes and dimensions. This information is definitely not taught in the academic schools or religious institutions but learned through self-explorations of the unknown.
If you want to feel the peaceful mind, start to explore yourselves. Every time you feel down and have certain negative thoughts playing in your mind, face it and communicate with the thoughts. You can start by willingly facing whatever comes up. You have to be aware of the thoughts that make you feel down. Then, you need to allow yourself to embrace this thought and allow the thought to talk to you.
You may need to write down in your notebook. Jot down all the words that came through. Go to the root cause of what’s happening. You may be digging up all the buried memories that happened a long time ago, perhaps when you were still a baby, a toddler or even when you were still in your mother’s womb.
You could also just close your eyes and embrace all the memories through these thought forms. Imagine you were revisiting the little you. You have to “be” there to understand what happened back then. It may be really heavy. You may be feeling all the emotions again. You may even cry. It is okay. Just let the tears flow simply, easily and smoothly.
Then, you have to be strong to forgive those who had harmed you in any ways. Next is you have to ask for their forgiveness. Maybe you did something to harm them and caused them pain and sufferings. Even if you do not remember of any wrongdoings by you. The third is to forgive yourself for any harm, in words, actions, and thought you threw to yourself.
I know that forgiveness in any of these three ways is not easy for most of the people but it has to be done. And in a sincere and honest way possible. You have to mean it with a compassionate heart. Not just to get it done quickly.
When you have completed the 3 ways forgiveness, return to the memory again and make peace with it. Take that little you on a ride with your invisible friends like the fairies, elven, dragons, unicorns or pegasuses.
You can use these methods with any of the incoming/upcoming thought forms or emotions. I hope you find peace after acknowledging anything that made you down in the first place and that led you to embrace the uncomfortable feelings.
I see you again soon.
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