As humans, many of us have things going on in our minds and sometimes, we find it difficult to find balance between the mind and heart. That’s when there are challenges within the mental and emotional areas or bodies because of all the incoming thoughts and emotions.
One of the tips people suggest us to do is “grounding”. There are many ways to ground yourself. One of them is by being in and around nature. Enjoying the greens, colours, tree trunks that nature provides. Admiring the little bees, lady birds/bucks, butterflies or moths flying around the flowers.
Facing a water body such as the sea, pond or lake is one of the best things to return to your nature self as our human body consists a huge percentage of water.
However, when you need to ground yourself in the middle of the night or up there on a plane, you won’t be able to go outside to nature. So, for the Guardians of the Codes, we use these simple breathing techniques.
Three breathing techniques to help us ground
The breathing techniques comprise of three simple techniques.
The first technique will bring all the dense energies up in your body. Like centralizing them in one area. It may give you some heaviness in your head where you may feel dizzy or a slight headache.
The second technique is where you’ll release all the dense energies out of your body. Usually, you may feel like yawning or stretching your body. It is okay to yawn, stretch, or anything you feel like to do in order to release the dense energies.
The third technique is to normalizing, neutralizing and balancing your breathing. It may be a bit heavier at first, which is also okay as it is finding its rhythm back to its normality.
The first two techniques require conscious breathing where you allow about 5 to 8 second each time you inhale, hold and exhale. Inhaling means that you breathe in the air into your lungs. Exhaling through the mouth releases all the heavier or denser energies from your body. You can do at least three breathings per technique.

Now, let’s start.
First technique:
Inhale through the nose. Hold. Exhale through the nose. (3 times)
Second technique:
Inhale through the nose. Hold. Exhale through the mouth. (3 times)
Inhale through the nose. Hold. Exhale through the mouth with a sound aaahhhh. (1-3 times)
Third technique:
Breath normally. It may be a bit heavier than the normal breath but it is okay. This is just to balancing the rhythm of your breathing again.
Check if you need further assistance through breathing. If you do, you can always do the three breathing techniques again.
I hope this helps you to find balance between your mind and heart.
Much love,
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