The Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates are the ones who will carry on our legacy here on Earth. Each soul and cosmic family starts by having one-on-one sessions with me as to prepare to hold the threefold flames coming from the Primal Sound and Light Fields. These are of the highest and purest frequencies. We connect directly to the Highest Orders and the High Order of the Rishis for our trainings and knowledge. We all are here to fulfil the Universal Service Mission.

I would like to introduce you to our current GOTC Initiates. We grow slow and steady so that we can focus on what matters most – healing ourselves while regaining our gifts and voice. We live a SES (simple, easy and smooth) life which we design with enthusiasm, fun and wonderment.
Regaining your gifts and voice is my aim. I hope you enjoy my view of each of our GOTC Initiates here and at the same time enjoy their growth, expansion and acceleration, not only on their individual personality but also on their soul level.

Jenn George
I am Jennifer ”Jenn” George, the representative of the Guardians of the Codes (GOTC) and all the Initiates. I am also the Celestial Conductor to all the GOTC Initiates as well as the Higher Teams. I love sharing all my knowledge and wisdom to the GOTC Initiates that I receive directly from my Rishi Identity Self.
I walk hand-in-hand with each of the GOTC Initiates as their physical spirit guide. My mission is to bring all soul and cosmic family together to achieve our primary universal service mission.

Lilian Hii
[Upgraded to GOTC Advanced Scientific Researcher in November 2022]
Lilian Hii works deeply with me as she is my little sister of Andromeda Star Constellation as well as a family member of the Seraphims where I am the partner of the Seraphim’s head. Lilian is the Celestial Architect Sacred Heart Valley’s Creatrix. She is, primarily, a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient and has since developed her senses of tasting, smelling and empathy.
Her dormant fire codings had been activated just by looking at my SSL codes on Facebook. She then started working with me in May 2022 and had double the three one-on-one sessions with me in July and August. Lilian is a very committed and dedicated GOTC Initiate indeed.
Due to her diligence in carrying on this legacy to fulfil our universal service mission, she has been upgraded in so many levels with gifts and abilities. Her loving devotion towards our work is so magnificent and pure. Lilian is now (October 2022) able to lead a huge mission without me physically being there.
As a GOTC Pioneer/Initiate, Lilian has since September 2022 been upgraded as a GOTC Trainee at our Arcturian Training Center. She will be learning to work with my latest inventions for medical treatment. Entry is based on authorisation from me only.
Read about her here to learn more about this Radiant Seraphim Angel, the Arcturian Scientist Architect and Holographic Designer with Universal High Technology. Click here for her biography. Join her Reclaim Your Radiance here.

Petra Visser

[Upgraded to GOTC Advanced Scientific Researcher in November 2022]
Petra “Neyah” Visser is The Bridger between dimensions, galaxies and universes. She is my Rishi sister as we both originate from the same Home, Andromeda Galaxy and my younger sister of Andromeda Star Constellation. We both have spent many multidimensional lifetimes together.
We also have other homes and playgrounds in other universe unknown to humans. Neyah is highly clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant. She recognises energies and their frequencies easily. She is a violinist as her profession and transmits codes through her music to all her listeners and admirers.
She started working with me in June 2022 to help healing her from an etheric sexual abuse. As they worked together through journeys, they found out more about her, her family and how they both (with their family) could heal the entire Universal Core Template, which includes planet Earth. Neyah is the expert in dealing with ancestral karmic inheritance, transmuting and rebalancing sexual energies, translating the message from our highest and purest frequencies of our multidimensional selves and more.
Neyah loves to serve all her Dutch cosmic family. With her deepest compassion, understanding and empathy, she is able to tap into your deepest soul’s desire and help you to regain your divine true self.
As a GOTC Pioneer/Initiate, Neyah has since end of September 2022 been upgraded as a GOTC Trainee at our Arcturian Training Center. She will be learning to work with my latest inventions for medical treatment along with Lilian.
Please contact her at Neyah8WavesofEOA@gmail.com. And please consider to contribute or donate for the energy exchange to paypal.me/Neyah8WavesofEOA. Thank you.

Catherine Ong
[Upgraded to GOTC Advanced Scientific Researcher in November 2022]
Catherine Ong is Jenn’s littlest baby sister from Andromeda Star Constellation. She has travelled many a journey on Earth plane. She embodied the grace and compassion Goddess aspect of her and a member of the Seraphim Angels family. As a highly intellectual clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, she is able to see the inner part of a human’s body in order for her to do the necessary adjustments using her upgraded laser eye such as an etheric surgery, chakra clearing, implants removal and more.
Catherine started walking on this path with me in June 2022. She has diligently worked on healing many-of-her-lifetimes self. while taking an intensive training every month with me. She learns new techniques from me through her trainings to broaden her healing modalities as well as to receive a highly advance technology from Home to repair the codes within the DNA strand template in the bodies of all living beings.
Her qualities, abilities and talents are out of the ordinary. With a little more polishing, she can reclaim her Atlantean title, the Earth’s Goddess of Water.
As a GOTC Pioneer/Initiate, Catherine has since end of September 2022 been upgraded as a GOTC Trainee at our Arcturian Training Center. She will be learning to work with my latest inventions for medical treatment along with Lilian and Neyah.
Please click here to read more about her and her awakening story. Here is her love letter to me and mine to her.

Claudia Ojeda-Mendoza
[Upgraded to GOTC Advanced Scientific Researcher in November 2022]
Claudia Ojeda-Mendoza has devoted to military life in many lifetimes in Orion and other star constellations in multiple dimensions.
Through her countless experiences as a war warrior, she has learned war strategies, leadership skill, brotherhood, navigating ships, etcetera. Her true love in her universal mission is to protect others, a beautiful gifted soul indeed.
Through one of our sessions which started in September 2022, we found out about a planet called Ishi in Orion. It is similar to Mintaka in terms of its high frequencies.
She is also a Celestial Warrior Dragon Leader from the Seraphim family, like Viktoria. Her Krystos Avatar Identity Self of Lyra is a White Lion with the body of a human. Claudia and other GOTC Initiates here have been as aspect of Goddess Kuan Yin, among others.
Claudia offers meditations on Beaming Center YouTube Channel (by Daisy) as gifts to humanity. Please visit her website to learn more of her services.

Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Viktoria Kshevinskaya is the Seraphim’s Celestial Warrior Leader of the Warrior Dragons of the highest and purest frequencies. She is able to transform herself in multiple copies of her to be able to protect the Circle of the Guardians of the Codes in all corners. She is excellent in both the battlefield and the unification field of the androgynous energy (masculine energy and feminine energy as one). Sharing her knowledge about Sacred Union is one of her divine gifts when she is not wearing and holding her Seraphim’s armour and sword.
Viktoria started in the second week of July 2022 working with me. She gained a deep understanding as to the experiences she had while in 4D. She understands, now, how she can bring all her clients and cosmic family straight to 5D from 3D. She also works with the children in 3D reality, 4D realms and higher. Viktoria is also a Celestial Warrior and the Dragon Mama to all her kids she is teaching.
Please contact her through her website at Be School Space.
Join Viktoria’s 7-Day Chakra Healing Journey here.

Daisy Ting Du
Daisy Ting Du is Catherine Ong’s twin sister in other lifetime as Goddess. She is the Scientist Alchemist and Astronomer who transmit her knowledge into her projects. Primarily, clairvoyant and clairaudient, she remembers her dreams vividly and loves to piece all the puzzles she receives together through her visions or dreams.
Being a creative Alchemist, she enjoys creating essential oils, flower or herbal essences tinctures, crystal necklaces and more. She also provides highly charged andara crystals with all four elements before sending to the new guardian of her crystals. Her poetry touches the deepest soul of those who listen to the longing of her being.
Daisy became one of my beta students and learned more about the Kathara Grid prior to her launching Embodied Starseeds group on Facebook. She is, therefore, one of the Conscious Leaders at Sacred Heart Valley. Daisy started her journey as an Initiate in July 2022. Working with me, she uncovered more mysteries of her visions and dreams.
Here’s Daisy’s first love note to me and here’s her second one.
Please visit Daisy’s website at CosmiCenter.com and join Embodied Starseeds to enjoy more of Daisy’s gifts by investing in any of her creations or to enjoy her beautiful meditations.

Kyle Turner
Kyle Turner is the Elemental Peace Rainbow with an upgraded laser eye who, now, sees the true vibrancy of the colour of each leaf or petal in nature. He can spin 360 degrees like a tornado to clear debris in order to purify the nature in each living being. Primarily a clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient, Kyle receives and sends transmissions through his arts that activate the codes within of those who work with him.
Kyle started working with me in July 2022 and had since been united with his multidimensional self of the highest and purest frequencies of the Lyra Constellation. As an Initiate of the GOTC, he is undergoing all trainings by me to amplify further all the codes he holds and to regain all his divine gifts. If you are attracted to the elemental kingdom, nature elements and feline beings, please connect with Kyle as he is able to bring your to the kingdom of those that you, once, thought you have lost.
Please click this link to read more about Kyle and to schedule a one-on-one session with him.

Marion Grace Reg
Marion Grace Reg is the Kinder Faery Warrior for all the New Children. When everyone is working in their fields, she is singing and playing with the faeries while getting the delicacies and andara juices ready on the table, floor or in space. She leads her team of the dragons, faeries and unicorns to take the children for a ride or two. Grace is gifted with clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. During her training session with Daisy, they both received almost similar images, feelings and translations.
Grace started working with me in July 2022 and is, currently, training to receive codes of tranquility and joy so she is able to guide the children to their true path. However, she is also an expert in making people joyful and peaceful. She understands what people go through especially in the area of mental and emotional health as she has experienced this herself.

Xenia Gordeeva
Xenia Gordeeva is a Lyran descent who brings in all her knowledge and wisdom from multiple lifetimes in different star constellations and planets. Like all of the GOTC Initiates, she also has lived many a lifetime on Earth. We shall get to others as we continue this journey.
Xenia started working with me in September 2022 when she felt our deepest connection as mother (me) and daughter. The fact is that I am her (and other GOTC Initiates’) “angel” and spirit guide in other timelines.
Xenia is an Elder of many ancient civilisations in South America who mostly originated from several stars of the Pleiades. She is an expert in many topics of holistic healing methods as well as anything about the divine feminine.
She offers Menstrual Awareness workshop from 2 October 2022 for about three months. Find out more about her offerings through her Pachamama Sacred Temple Facebook Group via Sacred Heart Valley.

Christina Coates
Christina Coates has been warrior in many lifetimes on Earth, other planets and in other star constellations. She is filled with fiery energy that she enjoys experimenting different kind of natures and layouts throughout the universes and dimensions.
Christina started having one session with me in September 2022. However, we presented her her gifts and healings during the pre-session already. One of her colourful lives on Earth has been a super powerful Gladiator in Greece. Christina is leading a Somatic Coaching business and is a very dedicated to her mission here on Earth.
I shall add more information about Christina as we continue this journey of hers.

ZsaZsa Daniel
ZsaZsa Daniel was well-known to my soul multidimensionally when I saw her comment on Instagram a few years ago. I remembered her from our lifetimes in Sirius (A, B & C) and I knew she had Atlantean lifetimes. We actually have countless lifetimes together in multiple universes and dimensions.
In September 2022, ZsaZsa had a session with me where I connected her to her Rishi Identity Self in order for her to regain her own gifts. She had also joined us, the Rishis of the GOTC, to decode one of my latest “inventions” with quantum physics in medical technology to be used at our Retreat Centre for Healing and Rejuvenation in Arcturus.
She offers a lot of gifts to all beings including the canines and aquatics. Please check her website Booboo And ZsaZsa for more info about her service offerings.

Polly Ng
Polly’s information will be added soon.

James Davis
James’ information will be added soon.

Norma Venegas
Norma’s information will be added soon.

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