(Jenn: Daisy sent me a second love letter on August 5th, 2022, which I’m including here. Her first love note was about the Soul Incarnate Personalised SSL Codes that I did for her in March. You can read about it here. Thank you, Daisy.)
Daisy’s Testimonial
I remember vividly that one day when I saw Jenn’s light code that she shared on Facebook, next moment I felt her higher self was standing right by my side. And right about the same time, she messaged me and invited me to connect.
Miracle is one way of explaining my journey with her. Right about the day of 02/22/2022, I asked the universe to send kindred spirits into my life to help me understanding the myth of Kathara grid (Tree of eternal life and Cosmic Stargate system). And then I suddenly got an email from Jenn, she invited me to connect. That’s when I know for certain that she showed up in my life for a reason.
Jenn has a very unique way of coaching and guiding people’s journey. It is tailored according each person’s inner soul journey. The more I feel aligned with my higher self, and ready to receive more downloads, the more heart expansion and downloads I will receive each day.
Throughout my journey with Jenn, I have learned:
- How to break through layers of illusions and ego false identity, by connecting with my higher consciousness.
- How to find the seed of inner freedom, awakening my soul remembrance, by asking who am I? What do I believe?
- How to tuning inwardly, and feeling into the finer vibration and healing prayers of the earth?
It is truly a blessing and blissful journey to work with Jenn, and following the initiates’ journey, experiencing amazing heart expansion, and learning how to anchor the light collectively on earth, and sharing the universal love and healing with the all.
Much love,
“Yes please do subscribe Jenn’s email list, in order to receive yesterday’s Healing Session recording. For anyone who may not know well about Jenn’s “Guardians of the Codes” program. It is like an intensive spiritual Bootcamp. Group of us have been doing lots of past-life regression works (soul remembrance), astral journeying and quantum jumps with Jenn and our multi-dimensional dragon team. Collectively we have been retrieving and reconnecting to many layers of planetary portals, earth lay lines, collective ancestral gifts, unlocking DNA fire letters and multi-dimensional healing gifts. I highly recommend Jenn’s light codes transmissions and healing sessions to all light-workers and wayshowers.”
~ Daisy Ting Du (July 22, 2022)

Jenn’s Gratitude Note
Daisy Ting Du is one of the Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates. She is one of the people who has appreciated my work in the universal languages with the codes and scripts through sound, symbol and light.
We developed a beautiful connection by sharing our gifts with her primary clairvoyance gift and my gifts of piecing together each puzzle we encounter through my own psychic clairsenses gifts.
Somewhere in February 2022, as I was surrounded by ailments and pains, we connected to discuss more about how we were to serve others.
She was in the beginning of creating her products (mist spray kit, essential oil and flower elixir essence tinctures) and was incorporating colours and meaning of each dimension with the Freedom Teaching’s 15D Universal Tree of Life. Since I happened to have studied some of the materials and later on, received teachings directly from my Rishi self, I shared with her some of the knowledge and wisdom about the Universal Tree of Life.
Daisy became one of my first beta students before I started going out to serve the public in April 2022. My first vision of her in February was when she was having a ceremony with several other people (some of the GOTC Initiates here) in the Himalayan area.
When Daisy decided to work closely by having one-on-one sessions with me in July, it took us some time to find the rhythm for her to get all her multidimensional selves aligned due to her expansive lifetimes here on Earth, other planets and other dimensions.

Daisy has many experiences as a human being on Earth. She is an aspect of many divine feminine collectives such as Tara, Kuan Yin, Isis and Sophia as well as divine masculine such as Buddha, Dalai Lama and Narasimha.
Her multidimensional resume could hold hundreds of pages for some of her Earth experiences. Her love among the plant kingdom, minerals, devas and other nature elements gives her the wisdom and knowledge on their gifts and healing modalities.
As a multidimensional scientist, alchemist, astronomer and philosopher, Daisy has the power to summon the water element for her research in the futuristic free energy via the advanced technology of TTE.
Her passion for Earth and other planets in the local solar system is engraved deep into her soul. This brings out the best of her self-expression through poetry and stories that touch every listeners.
Other than the guidance from her own multidimensional selves, she also has seven of her many personal dragons that she met for the first time on the day I took them to my “playground” of the highest and purest frequencies.
Daisy’s ability to teleport, translocate and travel by way of riding her golden phoenix or her dragons gives her access to many puzzles to decode and translate into human mind’s capacity together with her fellow Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates.
As part of her service to humanity and all the planets’ living beings, she offers a wide range of her alchemical work such as crystals, essential oil, flower essence tincture and mist spray. All her work are activated with all four elements of water, fire, earth and wind.
As a Guardian of the Codes’ Initiate, we shall also include the highest and purest frequencies of our code transmissions for the activations of all her work so that those who receive will further amplify their codes’ within themselves.
Please click this link to read more about Daisy and here to browse her product in her online shop at CosmiCenter.com.
Much love,

[…] works alongside Lilian Hii and Daisy Du in managing Sacred Heart Valley (SHV). Under SHV, he has his own community called Gaia’s Heart […]