(Jenn’s note: I received a beautiful love letter from Catherine on 10 August 2022 and I’m sharing it here with my gratitude note to her below.)
Loveletter to Jenn
When I started working with Jenn I didn’t know how much growth and expansion I would receive. Each week is something new and exciting.
I look forward to what I’m going to find out about me, about my mission(s), my connection with my fellow initiates as well as my new gifts.
A session is like a past life regression but more conscious, more awake. I am able to tap into the akashik records so easily.
As the initiates gather together we are able to bring pieces of the puzzle together. We are also able to support each other by sending our spirit guides to each other when needed.
Working with Jenn also involves dismantling and clearing the old 3D programming in myself and humanity.
Not only is Jenn a great mentor but she is also a mother to all initiates. She embodies the Divine Mother and I feel nurtured and supported under her wings. She has so much compassion as well as humility.
The more I work with her the more I feel empowered. The more I feel connected to God/Source/Prime Creator.

Jenn’s Gratitude Note
Catherine Ong is one of our first Guardians of the Codes’ Initiates. She started working one-on-one sessions with Jenn in late May 2022 and to get her soul incarnate code reading.
As an experienced psychic surgeon and healer, I decided to give her all the knowledge I know and have learned from my Rishi self the new techniques in order to strengthening her healing modalities. This energy healing work is pretty sacred to each individual. Therefore, it is important to follow the ethics and virtues before healing someone especially when the individual is not aware of the idea of being healed by someone else.
I taught Catherine (and all the GOTC Initiates) the ethics in healing an individual or a group of people. Another important thing to understand is the frequency of the higher self of the person that we ask for permission. If the higher self doesn’t allow or agree, it is actually the person’s lower self or higher self with low frequencies. Catherine has mastered the ethics and all kinds of techniques that I have shared.
Apart from being a child of a Lyran Feline Lion King, Catherine is also part of the Seraphim and Rishi families. These are the highest celestial angels who work closely with the God-Source. She had experienced lifetimes in Andromeda Constellation, Arcturus, Pegasus, Perseus, Sirius A, Sirius B, Sirius C (prior to the destruction), Pleiades, Alpha Centauri and many others.
Being a child of a couple from the Rishi realm, she received multiple gifts from the Great Central Sun. As she evolves in all matrices of Christos Avatar, Oversoul and Soul levels, everyone in her line is evolving too. As of 25 August 2022, she has been reconnected to her Rishi self and received many more gifts.
When 5D Tara planet was destructed by groups (with the light in their hearts switched off) and the fragments of Tara fell onto the lower density planes, Catherine was one of the volunteers who joined us to repair Tara’s soul fragments. Later, she incarnated in several of those planets that she helped to recreate.
Catherine is an adventurous soul who has/had embodied multiple known figures on Earth. Of course, each well-known individual has many aspects of him or her. Kuan Yin, Dalai Lama, Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor, Nefertiti and Cleopatra are among them.
She is also a representative of the divine feminine here on Earth embodying Divine Krystos Sophia of the 12th dimension according to our universal core template. She was one of the Elders in matriarchal Lemuria and the wife of Poseidon of the patriarchal Atlantis.
Being a GOTC Pioneer, she is one of the project leaders among the Guardians of the Codes who are working on the natural resources, feminine-masculine union, DNA strands reconstruction, returning the value of a woman and more.
If your heart calls you to work with Catherine, please contact her here. I highly recommend Catherine and her services in giving energetic healing support to humanity and the planet Earth.
I have written more about Catherine here and she has shared more about her here.
Much love,

[…] click here to read more about her and her awakening story. Here is her love letter to me and mine to […]