There is more to life than just going to work, raising your kids, fighting for something, making decent money to pay the bills, waking up to make coffee, eating and drinking…
There is more to life than just recovering from an illness that takes your freedom away or eating potatoes to ground yourself.
There is more to the awakening than that one traumatic event that just happened or having to gain psychic ability and now, you are ascending.
If only you could open your mind without any limitation and judgement, you would see the vast unstructured fireworks of evolution processes in the whole cosmos; an entertaining sight, I might say.
If only you were willing to learn the non-academic lessons of the Unseen, of the real origins of humans (which is not of apes), to understand the nature of you, as a humanoid/aquatic/”mystical”/avian/elemental/feline/canine/etcetera being of another dimension, being here on planet Earth in a human body, to gain access of the gate to home and not to keep recycling to this planet until you gain all the strands activated, repaired and realigned to the original sequence.
If only you start questioning of your soul mission and life purpose here, you would feel all the beautiful (3:33) gifts that you actually have all this time you are on this human vessel.
Each of us has a special and specific mission here but are we doing what we are supposed to be doing here? The answer to most is no. Why? Because we forgot all about it as soon as we entered the portal through our mother’s womb.
The downside of being on this side of the dimensional levels is that all our memories are being wiped out.
There is a special machine for that. It’s run in a certain planetary grid and it hits every soul incarnating here. Not everyone remembers unless we have the “code” to access our own soul libraries. When a sudden traumatic event happens, we suddenly regain our certain gifts and abilities. It is not a coincidence one has a near death experience (NDE) from an accident or from the ailing of a body, too weak to carry out certain base codes.
I have had a couple of NDEs and I, slowly, remember what I can actually do. The wonderments from other people once I had massaged them that the pain was finally gone is an example I could never fathom before. So, I gave all the credit to God and Jesus. Jesus was a healer and so was I. This means anyone can be a healer, a teacher, a guide, a translator, etcetera.
So are you. Won’t you want to know more about your being than just this person that you are now? Won’t you want to know what gifts, talents and abilities you have in your being? Won’t you want to know more about the soul you? Won’t you want to know where you go after your body expires?
If you are intrigued by some of the paragraphs above, listen to your heart. Message me, please. I’ll be happy to share with you a few insights.
Only those people carrying the 12 DNA strands have the inner knowing of what I am talking about. I hope you are one of our Angelic Humans family members.
Humongous love,

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