Words have always given me pleasures and excitement. They let me explore the wondrous vast realm of mysteries. Swimming to the bottom of the unknown universe yet to be discovered by many. Words have taught me to be mindful and kind. I only use them to bless, heal and prosper. It is wise to, first, seek within for the right words to utter to others and the self as each word has its own vibrational frequency.
As white-collar workers, many are unaware of the spiritual side of life. Life, to them, is to go to work and make money to earn a living. The imbalance attention to one-straight-line towards work-and-money makes us forget about health. We tend to see and analyse from the outer without going within. That is why many have fallen to being burned-out, depressed and therefore, created all sorts of sickness.
I know as I was one of these people. Quitting my job in 2013 was a choice I made to find cure to the unspoken emptiness I felt. I spent years to seek what I was looking for out there. It was not until I made the decision to get to know myself more that I, finally, found the answer. I questioned a lot to God, the Prime Creator. The replies I received were kind of a game. Signs, synchronicities and telepathy communication with just a word or a couple were among the type of clue I would get.
The process of awakening from the slumber took me a while.
While the Earth was ascending to higher dimensional timeline, I was experiencing many types of sickness. In hindsight, these were the start of turning on my light body for acceleration. Books were my companion and I became a hermit for two years starting 1 January 2017. Some of my soul gifts either were strengthening or starting to emerge. I spoke in tongues again. I also wrote scripts and draw symbols. In 2018, I found out the origin of my essence, my life purpose and soul mission.
In April 2021, as I was missing my Andromedan family on YouTube since the lady I connected to deep in my soul was taking a break from the 3/4D constructions. We are soul family and also have shared experiences in other star systems. God led me to Akasha Azurite, a high-level member of the Indigos. Through her, some of my dormant abilities have been activated and restored.
These days, I write light codes and create geometry art from my memory bank that I am, finally, able to retrieve, piece by piece. I’ve seen volumes of them and it may take me years to have them all down on paper. The codes are of the advanced technologies that are meant to help the planet as well as all children of the Creator especially the New Children.
These New Children are coming in to rebuild the New Earth with free resources and harmonious lifestyle among each other. The frequencies are high and may trigger your memory and activate the related areas in your templates.
I wish you joy and peace as you turn from one word to another in my writings. May you live to know the truth and therefore, to enjoy more abundance in all facets of your life as you grow in your body and soul evolution.
Humongous love,

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