A few months ago, my soul sister Maggie Amadala Ra (USA) of Galactic Earth Angel and I (Europe) got together (energy wise) to share about our current journeys and just to have a chat together, or so I thought. We both were still living in a roller-coaster kind of a life by then, still are, but in a different way than a few months ago. We, now, are in another phase of our healing journey.
At a certain point during our heart-to-heart sharing, I felt a surge of energy around my field, but outside of my shields. My first thought was Orion. Everything came so suddenly and I was led to guide her to revisit her lifetimes in Orion. This was to retrace the root of the unresolved traumas, pain and sufferings that she is experiencing in this current incarnation period.
One of my mission is to help individuals and the whole collective to heal those sicknesses and diseases to regain pure joy and peace. The method is simply go back to the root cause of the “issue”. This is similar to what I did as a Financial Analyst in the corporate world.
Both of us, with lifetimes in Andromeda, Lyra, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades, Lemuria and many others, had almost similar contracts concerning to “embodying the traumas” in this current lifetime so we understood each other.
All these years, we had low self-esteem, huge doubt, fear of all sorts of consequences and therefore, our services to others were halted. With proper guidance to self-healing by going above and beyond to tackle each challenge, instead of avoiding it, we all can gain everything that we “lose” before.
So, whenever I do session with anyone, I always encourage them to lead the way while I stay alert on the sideline. This gives them the self-confidence to trust what’s coming and to trust their own inner knowing using all the clear senses.
In this video that we both are sharing, you can feel the energies as we revisit the planets in Orion. The journey was recorded a few months ago but the energies have no sense of time and space. It is all happening in the now.
Important: If you are not used to this kind of high alchemy
multidimensional work, we suggest that you ground yourself first,
please and let the mind-chatter stop talking or you’d only allow your
lower aspects like judgemental and mockery empowering you.
This is our journey to retrace the root of a wound or wounds and, thereafter, to heal those involved.
Once we have traced the root(s), where and when it started, we hold all the lower aspects created in those timelines in our hands. We open up our hands, palms towards the sky, as if gathering water from a stream, and hold up to our heart.
Then, we can start treating these lower aspects with an unconditional love in order to transmute, transform and transcend them into their higher aspects. We don’t simply let them go because these are energies too, created by us if not by others. In fact, we can work side-by-side with the, now, transformed energies into their higher aspects to help us go through when certain emotion turns up.
Here’s the link to our video in our YouTube channel
You can watch it there with extra description. A feedback from you would be great too and we do appreciate you.
Humongous love,

P.S. For a more powerful session with our combined energies and codes, please visit our service page here. We work on all bodies and DNA strands to help and guide you in your healing journey.
I love Maggie so much.