Hello & Welcome to our Beautiful & Harmonious MD Sanctuary

May the flames grow brighter and brighter within us.
May the love shine within and around us.
May each door open the path of abundant joy.
May peace and harmony surround you.
Let us ALL start LIVING by DESIGN in 5D (& beyond) and not by default.
Everything is filled with & encoded in LoVe (9).

Do you have any of the gifts mentioned in the 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 but didn’t know that they were valid? Know that you have those God-given gifts and it is time to polish and use them for the greater good of all, especially you. I’m Jenn, here to guide you and share with you how remarkable you are. If you felt alone, you won’t any longer. We are here for and with you.

Join us for a hug and feel all the love

Let’s build a loving and compassionate space together

We have an online multidimensional school and it’s called

Guardians of The Codes Multiversity


Hello & Welcome

(Photograph: At the top of North Borneo or Sabah on Borneo Island… Unknowingly I was there to “arrange” several systems for humanity. Bringing back Lemurian reconnection.) Hello and welcome to […]

GOTC 12 qualities links to YouTube

Hello family, Guardians of the Codes (GOTC) Family have done a wonderful and tremendous job to help spreading light through their words, visuals, voices, and all kinds of media to […]

Introducing GOTC Celestial Analyst

With my most profound honour and gratitude, I, Jenn George from Guardians of the Codes (GOTC) would like to share this great news with you. With effect from 1 January […]

Unordered Articles

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GuardiansoftheCodes.com’s Writing Disclaimer: There is nothing right or wrong in the world of love. Every opinion, idea or perspective is one’s truth that may not be other people’s truth. The writings may mention about healing; please note that this is not a medical advice. The writings are just the writer’s perspective and intention of sharing her/his personal experience, which may not resonate with you, the reader. Please take only what resonates with you.